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Storefront Bundle Page Objects

The bundle page is accessible on marketplaces that include product bundles (see Bundles) when an end user clicks a bundle on a product listing or browsing page.

The bundle page includes the bundle object, which contains the following bundle information.

summaryContains summary information that appears in the title bar in the base theme:

title: Bundle name
description: Short bundle description
images: URLs to one or more bundle images
itemsList of items in the bundle:

id: Product ID
focused: Indicates whether the bundle item is currently selected in the user interface
url: URL to the individual product profile page
name: Product name
image: Product image
card: Contains information that appears in the item summary card, which appears when the product is selected:

* title: Product name
* details: Brief text summary of product details
* logoSrc: Product logo
* productRibbon: Properties that define the label that appears on the logo image, including text, text color, and ribbon color
* merchandisingBadges: Array of small merchandising images
customAttributes: List of custom product attributes added by the
edition: Edition name
overview: Contains the following product information to include in an overview section:

resources: List of supplementary resources such as videos or PDF documents, with links
screenshots: List of product screenshots, with links
support: List of support resources including links, telephone number, and email address
leadsAll data required to create a lead form (when the action is "Contact Us" instead of a direct purchase):

collectLeads: Indicates whether leads are enabled for the product
button: Lead button text, for example Contact Us
form: All form fields required to collect a lead, and the endpoint URL to which to post the form
pricingList of pricing details for all bundle editions:

name: Edition name, for example Recurring Edition
value: Price and currency, for example 10.00 USD
frequency: Payment frequency, if applicable, for example per Month

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