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App Assignment webhook payload

The resource:url for an App Assignment webhook payload uses this basic format:


Here marketplace_url is the main URL for the marketplace (for example, ), and assignment_uuid is a universally unique identifier that the marketplace has generated for this specific application assignment (for example, a2533za4-b8d8-2cb1-67a3-9369571az8cb ).

When a App Assignment:Added or App Assignment:Changed webhook is triggered, the content section of the payload includes the following attributes:

statusEnumThe current status of the application assignment. Possible values include PENDING_USER_ACTIVATION, PENDING_REMOTE_CREATION, FAILED, ACTIVE, PENDING_REMOTE_CANCELLATION, and CANCELLED.
userUuidStringThe universally unique identifier (uuid) that identifies the user to whom the application has been assigned.
companyUuidStringThe universally unique identifier (uuid) that identifies the company which holds the subscription for the application being assigned. The user must be a member of this company.
subscriptionUuidStringThe universally unique identifier (uuid) that identifies the subscription or entitlement for the application.
externalVendorIdentifierStringAn identifier that the external vendor company uses to identify the application on their systems.
linksObjectAn array of links associated with this application assignment.
links.relStringA brief description of the link. For this webhook payload, will always be "self".
links.hrefStringA URL that can be used to retrieve information about the application assignment. Matches the resource:url for this payload.

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