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Catalog Product webhook payload

The resource:url for a Catalog Product webhook payload uses this basic format:


Here marketplace_url is the main URL for the marketplace (for example, ), and id is an ID number that the marketplace has generated for this specific product (for example, 665549 ).

Note that this resource:url is an exception to the usual behavior, in that it does not return the same payload as the webhook itself. Instead, when you use this URL with an HTTP GET it returns the REST API Product definition for the product.

When a Catalog Product :Added or Catalog Product :Changed webhook is triggered, the content section of the payload includes the following attributes:

applicationObjectInformation about the application that the Catalog Product represents.
{...}:idNumberA six-digit number that serves as an identifier for the application.
{...}:uuidStringThe universally unique identifier (uuid) that identifies the application.
{...}:nameStringThe localized name for the application.
{...}:imageLogoLargeStringURL of a graphic to be used as the application logo.
{...}:vendorObjectInformation about the vendor company that provides the application. The content of this object matches that of a CompanyAccountV2 definition.
featuredBooleanWhether the product is marked as a Featured product in the marketplace.
popularBooleanWhether the product is marked as a Popular product in the marketplace.
staffPickBooleanWhether the product is marked as a Staff Pick in the marketplace.
discountAvailableBooleanWhether there is at least one discount that may apply to the product.
partnerTermsUrlStringURL to a document that describes the product terms of service (ToS). Typically these terms are specified by the vendor.
displayReviewsBooleanWhether the product listing displays the Reviews tab for the product.
displayQuestionsBooleanWhether the product listing displays the Questions tab for the product.
opinionNumberA number indicating how the product is to be ranked in lists, with the rank of 0 corresponding to Very Low and rank 5 corresponding to Very High.
taxCodesObjectA list of tax codes that apply to the product. Each tax code is a string.
externalIdentifierStringAn external identifier that an external vendor system uses to refer to the product.
stockNumberStringThe product Stock Control Number (SCN). This is an identifier that may be used by the vendor to refer to the product.
hidePricingsBooleanWhether the product listing conceals prices from viewers who are not logged-in users.
collectLeadsBooleanWhether lead collection is permitted. If this is true and collectLeadsWithPurchase is false, the product cannot be purchased directly. It can only be purchased through assisted sales.
collectLeadsWithPurchaseEnabledBooleanWhether buyers are able to choose whether to purchase directly, or instead create Leads when purchasing the product. If true, they are offered this choice when making a purchase: if false, they can only either purchase directly or create a lead, depending on other marketplace settings. If this is true, collectLeads is also true.
assignLeadsToDevelopersBooleanWhether leads are automatically assigned to the product vendor.
liveChatEnabledBooleanWhether live chat is enabled for the product. Deprecated.
newSubscriptionEnabledBooleanWhether a new subscription is created for new purchases of the product. If false, the product does not create new subscriptions, but does support existing subscription.
ssoEnabledBooleanWhether single sign-on (SSO) is enabled for this product.
changeSubscriptionEnabledBooleanWhether a subscription for the product can be modified during the subscription term.
assignmentEnabledBooleanWhether the product involves subscriptions that can be assigned to users.
highestPercentageDiscountNumberThe highest percentage discount that applies automatically for the product, if at least one such discount is available.
startingPricePercentageDiscountNumberThe percentage discount that is considered while calculating starting price for the product.
highestFixedDiscountObjectThe highest fixed discount that applies automatically for the product, if at least one such discount is available. This discount is presented an array of currencies and the matching discount value expressed in that currency.
discountedStartingPricesObjectAn array of fixed discounts that may apply to starting prices, expressed as an array of currencies and the matching discount value expressed in that currency.
popularityNumberThe ranking of the product in lists. The lowest number has the highest rank. This ranking is calculated based on numbers of purchases, and is re-evaluated at specific intervals.

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