Invoice webhook payload
The resource:url for an Invoice webhook payload uses this basic format:
Here marketplace_url is the main URL for the marketplace (for example,
), and invoice_uuid is a universally
unique identifier that the marketplace has generated for this invoice
(for example, 69baef3c-57de-4846-becf-5d74489d68e7
When an Invoice:Added or Invoice:Changed webhook is triggered, the
payload includes the following attributes:
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | String | An ID number assigned to the invoice. |
uuid | String | The universally unique identifier (uuid) that identifies the invoice. |
locale | String | The invoice locale in the standard ISO 639-1 language code + ISO 3166-1 country code format. For example: 'en_US' or 'fr_CA'. |
localized | String | Whether the invoice is localized (true), or uses the default marketplace language (false). In some cases, the default language may depend on the individual product. |
invoiceNumber | String | The invoice display ID. By default, this matches the billingRelationshipOwnerInvoiceNumber. Deprecated. |
billingRelationship OwnerInvoice Number | String | A customizable sequenced ID number which is displayed on the invoice. |
partner | String | A code that identifies the marketplace owner. |
status | Enum | The status assigned to the invoice. Must be one of PAID, UNPAID, CARRIED, or VOIDED. |
currency | Enum | The currency used for amounts on the invoice. See the Currency definition for a list of possible values. |
invoiceDate | Date | The date on which the invoice was issued. |
paymentTerms: dueDate | Date | The date by which the customer must pay the invoice. Failure to pay by this date may result in penalties such as interest charges, or even subscription suspension or cancellation. |
seller | Object | If the original order was placed on behalf of the customer by a reseller or sales agent, information about the user who made the original purchase (the uuid of the user and company). |
customer | Object | Information about the user who receives the products or services in the invoices (the uuid of the user and company). |
lines | Object | A collection of the individual items in the invoice. Each item in the invoice is represented with a separate InvoiceLine. See Invoice lines below. |
amountDue | Number | The amount of money that the customer currently owes for this invoice. |
amountPaid | Number | The amount of money that the customer has already paid on this invoice. |
subtotal | Number | The sum of the "total" values for all invoice lines in the invoice. See Invoice lines below. |
totalTax | Number | The amount of tax added to the invoice. |
carriedBalance | Number | If applicable, the credit balance for this customer at the time of the invoice. |
creditNote | Boolean | Whether the invoice results in a credit to the customer. |
total | Number | The total amount to be paid by the customer on this invoice. |
taxReport | Object | A report that details the taxes that were calculated on each line in the invoice. See the Tax report section below. |
taxSummary | Object | A list of TaxDetail objects that summarize the taxes on the invoice. Deprecated. |
refundInvoice | Boolean | Whether the invoice represents a refund to the customer. |
refundedInvoice | String | If refundInvoice is true, the ID for the invoice with the charges that are being refunded. |
delegatedToInvoice | String | If applicable, the ID of an invoice to which balances from this invoice have been carried. |
carriedInvoices | Object | A list of IDs for the invoices with balances that have been carried forward to this invoice. |
users | Object | A list of IDs and other information for all users represented in the invoice lines. |
companies | Object | A list of IDs and other information for all companies represented in the invoice lines. |
marketplaces | Object | A list of IDs and other information for all marketplaces represented in the invoice lines. |
subscriptions | Object | A list of IDs and other information for all subscriptions represented in the invoice lines. |
orders | Object | A list of IDs and other information for all orders represented in the invoice lines. |
products | Object | A list of IDs and other information for all products represented in the invoice lines. |
editions | Object | A list of IDs and other information for all editions represented in the invoice lines. |
pricingPlans | Object | A list of IDs and other information for all pricing plans represented in the invoice lines. |
discounts | Object | A list of IDs and other information for all discounts represented in the invoice lines. |
costTypes | Object | A list of all cost types represented in the invoice lines. For a list of possible values, see the CostType definition. |
costPeriods | Object | A list of all period types represented in the invoice lines. For a list of possible values, see the PricingPeriod definition. |
costUnits | Object | If any items are priced by unit, a list of all cost units represented in the invoice lines. |
Invoice lines
The line object section of the payload matches the REST API InvoiceLine definition, and also includes the following attributes:
Attribute | Type | Description |
unitPrice | Number | The price per unit for the charge. |
buyer | Object | Information about the customer who purchased this product or service (the uuid of the user and associated company). |
provider | Object | Information about the vendor who provides this product or service (the uuid of the user and associated company). |
period:start | Date | The first (or starting) date for the billing period that this line represents. |
period:end | Date | The last (or ending) date for the billing period that this line represents. |
cost | Object | Detailed information about the charge. See the Cost section below. |
subscriptionRef | String | The identifier (ID number or uuid) for the subscription being invoiced. |
orderRef | String | The identifier (ID number or uuid) for the order associated with this invoice line. |
productRef | String | The identifier (ID number or uuid) for the product or service represented in this invoice line. |
editionRef | String | The identifier (ID number or uuid) for the edition of the product. |
pricingPlanRef | String | The identifier (ID number or uuid) for the pricing plan associated with the edition. |
discountRef | String | The identifier (ID number or uuid) for a discount that has been applied to this charge. |
quantity | Number | The number of units included in the charge. |
total | Number | The total amount that the customer owes for this invoice line, not including tax (unitPrice x quantity). |
The Cost object provides detailed information about a charge (or a discount). It includes the following attributes:
Attribute | Type | Description |
typeCategory | Enum | Whether the charge is RECURRING or a ONE_TIME fee. |
unit | String | If the strategy uses units, this field represents the unit name. If not, this field is null. |
strategy | Enum | A brief descriptor of how the charge is billed. Must be one of UNIT, FREE, TIERED, FLAT, VOLUME, UNLIMITED, CUSTOM, or PERCENTAGE. |
credit | Boolean | Whether this charge represents a credit rather than a cost. |
percentage | Boolean | Whether this charge represents a percentage discount (as opposed to a flat amount). |
Tax report
The TaxReport object provides detailed information about the taxes applied to this invoice. It includes the following attributes:
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | String | The universally unique identifier (uuid) that identifies the tax report. |
transactionId | String | An identifier for the transaction on which the taxes were applied. |
tenant | String | The code for the marketplace owner. |
invoiceNumber | String | An identifier for the invoice to which the tax applies. Should match the invoice billingRelationshipOwnerInvoiceNumber. |
consumer | Object | The user who received the products or services that were taxed. This marches the customer in the main invoice. |
{...} :userRef | String | The universally unique identifier (uuid) of the user account for the consumer. |
{...} :companyRef | String | The universally unique identifier (uuid) for the user's company. |
{...} :address | Object | The billing address for the company. This object includes a streetLine1 and streetLine2 for the address, the city, a region (state or province), country, and postalCode (postal or ZIP code). |
{...} :companyTax Exemption ReasonCode | String | If applicable, this it the code that describes why this company is exempt from paying tax. |
strategy | Enum | A code that identifies the means used to determine the tax. Must be one of FLAT, MULTI_FLAT, AVALARA, or CUSTOM. |
currency | Enum | The currency in which the tax is charged. Should match the invoice currency. See the Currency definition for a list of possible values. |
chargedAmount | Number | The amount of the tax being charged on an item. |
totalTaxAmount | Number | The total amount of tax for the invoice. |
details | Object | Detailed information about the tax in this line. See Tax report details below. |
summary | Object | A brief summary that includes the taxableAmount, tax strategy and total tax amount. |
metadata | Object | Additional information about this item. |
Tax report details
The payload also includes the following additional attributes that do not appear in the REST API documentation:
Attribute | Type | Description |
taxType | Object | Details of the method used to calculate taxes for the invoice line. May include an id, name, rate, and strategy. |
taxableAmount | Number | Amount of money that can be taxed for this invoice line. Typically equal to the invoice total. |
taxAmount | Number | Amount of tax calculated for this line. |
taxCode | String | If applicable, a code that indicates that this invoice line should use a special tax calculation (Reduced tax rate, tax exemption, etc). |
metadata | Object | Additional information about this item. |
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