Company webhook payload
The resource:url for a Company webhook payload uses this basic format:
Here marketplace_url is the main URL for the marketplace (for example,
), and company_id is the marketplace
identifier for the company (for example,
The company_id may be a universally unique identifier, or it may be an identifier that is used for this company on an external system, as determined by your marketplace settings. For more information, contact your AppDirect technical representative.
When a Company:Added or a Company:Changed webhook is activated, the
section of the payload includes the following attributes:
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | String | The primary identifier used to identify the company. Depending on the marketplace settings, this id matches either the externalId or the uuid. For more information, contact your AppDirect technical representative. |
name | String | The name of the company. |
enabled | Boolean | Whether the company is enabled. When a company is enabled, its users are able to log in to the company. If a company is disabled, its users are not able to log in. |
contact | Object | An object that stores information about the different methods to contact the company. |
contact:phoneNumber | String | Primary phone number for the company. |
contact:ims | String | An Instant Messaging Service identifier that is associated with the company. Deprecated (the value is always "null"). |
contact:homePhone | String | A home phone number for a contact person. Deprecated (the value is always "null"). |
contact:mobilePhone | String | A mobile phone number for a contact person. Deprecated (the value is always "null"). |
contact:address | Object | An object that stores information about the physical address of the company's main office. Equivalent to "address" in the V2 API. |
{...} :address:street1 | String | The first part of the street address. Equivalent to the V2 "address:street1". |
{...} :address:street2 | String | An optional second line for the street address. Equivalent to the V2 "address:street2". |
{...} :address:city | String | The city in which the company's main office is officially located. Equivalent to the V2 "address:city". |
{...} :address:state | String | The state or province in which the company's main office is officially located. Equivalent to the V2 "address:state". |
{...} :address:zip | String | The ZIP code or postal code. Equivalent to the V2 "address:zip". |
{...} :address:country | String | The country in which the company's main office is officially located. Equivalent to the V2 "address:country". |
size | Enum | A one-word descriptor for the company's size. Must be SMALL, MEDIUM, or ENTERPRISE. Equivalent to the V2 "companySize". |
status | Enum | A one-word descriptor indicating whether the company is ACTIVE or INACTIVE. A company becomes ACTIVE when its first user accepts the invitation to join it. |
attributes | Object | Deprecated (the value is always "null"). |
creationDate | Number | The time and date when the company was created on the marketplace, represented in UNIX Epoch milliseconds. |
industry | String | A one-word descriptor for the sector in which the company operates. The Marketplace Manager configures the permitted values on the marketplace. |
salesAgent | Object | Information about a linked Reseller user who is empowered to make purchases for this company. |
salesAgent:id | String | The universally unique identifier (uuid) that identifies the salesAgent user. |
salesAgent:href | String | A URL that can be used to retrieve user information about the salesAgent user. |
website | String | The URL for the company's main web site. |
emailAddress | String | The main email address associated with the company. |
dealer | String | Deprecated (the value is always "null"). |
customAttributes | Object | A list of company custom attributes that have been defined on the marketplace. Each custom attribute appears as a key:value pair. |
uuid | String | The universally unique identifier (uuid) that identifies the company on the marketplace. |
externalId | String | An external identifier that may be used for this company in an external system. |
countryCode | String | A two-character string that represents the country that is associated with the company. This must be a recognized ISO ALPHA-2 standard country code. |
permissions [ ] | Object | An array of string values that indicate the access granted to this company. Possible values: CHANNEL_ADMIN, RESELLER, DEVELOPER, and SALES_SUPPORT. |
defaultIdpUuid | String | The universally unique identifier for an external identity provider that the user will always use to log in. |
domains | String | Deprecated (the value is always "null"). |
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