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Ironclad Clickwrap integration

Ironclad is an embedded contract management tool. AppDirect uses Ironclad Clickwrap with the marketplace to manage the terms and conditions and policies that a user must accept to activate their accounts on the marketplace.

Integration with Ironclad Clickwrap provides a centralized workflow for user agreement management. It brings the ability to track the acceptance of contracts and helps in maintaining versions of contracts. This integration also helps AppDirect to stay legally compliant.

The AppDirect legal team manages and maintains the terms and conditions content that is displayed to the user.

If this option is not enabled, then the user gets a generic message indicating agreement before activating their account. However, if the option is enabled the user receives a document of what is accepted as part of the detailed terms and conditions and policies information. This helps the user to be clear on the terms of service they are agreeing to when they activate their account. Once they agree to the terms and conditions, they will receive an email notification with the terms and conditions they have agreed to.

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