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This document is applicable to custom components created using toolkit version @appdirect/sfb-toolkit@4.x.x or earlier and @appdirect/sfb-theme-components@0.0.344 or earlier.

Build components


React components are located in the src directory and separated into the atoms, components, and composite-demos subdirectories.

Put each component/atom in its own self-titled directory in kebab-case inflection (src/atoms/my-atom). Use PascalCase inflection to name the component's files (MyAtom.jsx). Use the following file structure for each component:

+-- my-atom
| +-- stories
| | +-- MyAtom.story.mdx
| +-- styles
| | +-- MyAtom.scss
| +-- tests
| | +-- MyAtom.test.jsx
| +-- MyAtom.jsx


Components are the core elements that are placed in the theme, and typically linked to the datastore. Therefore, they are exported and available to the theme, and are the entry points inside of which everything cascades in a typical React pattern. Think of components as mini-apps that are placed in different containers, and are therefore isolated from one another. Normally, components should not have other components as their children. Use atoms for that.

Components get their props from GraphQL, the global datastore object, and from their settings forms.

withListener higher-order component

Components that get their props from the dataStore are wrapped as a higher-order component (HOC) called withListener, found in the root folder of the components (src/components/withListener.jsx). Export them by default wrapped in the HOC:

export default withListener(MyComponent);

Components wrapped with withListener can only have two props, both of which are objects:

  • data : data that comes from the datastore
  • settings : user-defined settings that come from the settings form

Structure everything that the components need in one of these two props. The withListener HOC, as its name implies, listens to changes in the data store and passes the props accordingly to its wrapped component through the data and settings containers.

The description of which data is selected by withListener to pass to the component is strucutured in the component's Schema.marketplaceData object. More details

withGraphQL higher-order component

Components that get their props from GraphQL are wrapped as an higher-order component (HOC) called withGraphQL, found in the root folder of the components (src/components/withGraphQL.jsx).


Atoms are not connected to the global datastore and are placed within components or other atoms. They get their props from their parents. Atoms are designed to be usable by different components, for example a Button might be used anywhere in any component.

Some atoms are less generic than others, in that they might depend on a particular data structure, for example to display a product's details. Still, an atom should always be considered reusable by multiple components.

When building components that need some parts to be extracted, for example a sub-component in a loop, and these parts are not reusable by other components, they should be placed inside that component's directory, in an atoms directory that is private to that component.

Composite demos

Do not use composite demos within the theme. Their purpose is merely to mock the behavior of the theme from within the Storybook when multiple components are placed on the same page, and to test and develop their interactions with one another.

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