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When the client requests an OAuth 2.0 access token, the requests must specify the desired scopes (that is, the permissions) of the access token. Many of AppDirect's scopes correspond to roles associated with marketplace users.  When requesting user-level access tokens, ensure that the user's AppDirect user role(s) correspond to the scope specified in the request.

The table below describes all AppDirect scopes and which grant types the scopes are valid for.

Scope nameDescriptionSupported grant types
ROLE_USERAllows access as an end user in the company associated with an API call.Authorization Code, Implicit, Password
ROLE_BILLING_ADMINAllows access as a Billing Admin for the company associated with an API call.Authorization Code, Implicit, Password
ROLE_SYS_ADMINAllows access as a Company Admin for the company associated with an API call.Authorization Code, Implicit, Password
ROLE_RESELLERAllows access as a Reseller for the company associated with an API call.Authorization Code, Implicit, Password
ROLE_SALES_SUPPORTAllows access as a Sales Support agent for the marketplace.Authorization Code, Implicit, Password
ROLE_CHANNEL_SUPPORTAllows access as a Customer Support agent for the marketplace.Authorization Code, Implicit, Password
ROLE_CHANNEL_PRODUCT_SUPPORTAllows access as a Product Support agent for the marketplace.Authorization Code, Implicit, Password
ROLE_CHANNEL_ADMINAllows access as a Marketplace Manager for the marketplace.Authorization Code, Implicit, Password
ROLE_CORPORATE_ADMINAllows access as a Network Manager for the marketplace.Authorization Code, Implicit, Password
ROLE_DEVELOPERAllows access as a Developer for the user associated with an API call.Authorization Code, Implicit, Password
ROLE_PARTNER_READAllows access to read all marketplace data.Client Credentials
ROLE_PARTNERAllows access to read and write all marketplace data.Client Credentials
openidRequests that the ID token be returned from the token endpoint for SSO. Used in OpenID Connect SSO flow.Authorization Code, Implicit, Password
profileAPI client can retrieve profile data about the user such as first name and last name. Used in OpenID Connect SSO flow.Authorization Code, Implicit, Password
emailAPI client can retrieve a user’s email address. Used in OpenID Connect SSO flow.Authorization Code, Implicit, Password

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