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This part of the GraphQL API is currently in Preview status. For more information, see GraphQL API policy.

The GraphQL API includes a query and two mutations that allow users to view and modify notification templates.

Notifications are messages that the marketplace sends to users to inform them when marketplace events occur. These email messages are each based on a standard notification template for the type of event. For example, if an administrator invites a new user, the marketplace generates an email message based on the Invite New User template, and sends this email to the user who has just been invited.

Notifications are primarily managed through the marketplace user interface, as described in the main topic on advanced notifications. Templates must be created in the UI. However, there are GraphQL APIs that you can use with existing notification templates after they are created.

The GraphQL API offers one query for retrieving notification templates:

The GraphQL API offers two mutations for modifying notification templates:

For a full discussion of notifications, see the advanced notifications section of the platform online help.

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