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Delete company/account memberships

Use the APIs described in this topic to delete company or account memberships and remove users from a company or account.

Delete a company membership (REST)

Before you can delete a company membership, you must remove all of the user's application assignments and cancel all their subscriptions or transfer them to another company membership. When all company memberships are removed from a user account, the user account is deleted.

Use the following DELETE request to delete a company membership.

DELETE https://{marketplaceUrl}/api/account/v2/companies/{companyUuid}/memberships/{userUuid}

Refer to the Delete company membership API reference for information on authorization rules and the full list of supported request body and query parameters.

Delete an account membership (GraphQL)

You can use the deleteAccountMembership mutation to delete an existing account membership, removing a user from an account.

To identify the membership, you must include the unique identifiers of both the account and the user.

Before deleting the membership, you must remove all of the user's application assignments. You must either cancel their subscriptions or transfer them to another account membership.

  • The user is deleted when all account memberships are removed from a user.
  • When all account memberships are removed from an account, such that the account currently has no members, the account still exists. You can assign new users to it by creating new account memberships.


mutation {
input: {
accountId: "0438bc88-bd79-40be-bc89-93d27b5773eb",
userId: "a22d9a85-22a6-48c9-adc7-1c17d3a14542"


"data": {
"deleteAccountMembership": {
"success": true

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