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Managing user and company accounts effectively is key for your AppDirect marketplace setup. However, sometimes issues can arise with APIs that can hinder your experience. In this topic, we will explore some common issues observed with the APIs and the steps to troubleshoot them.

Unable to remove a user from a company

What should I do when the following error appears while attempting to remove a user from a company?

This user is assigned to products. This user must be unassigned from products before being removed from this company.


When you encounter this error, check for the following:

  1. Go to the company and check for any active/pending orders.
  2. Check if any orders are pending in the cancellation status. Also, check for any pending events in the event logs.
  3. Check if there is a suspended order in the company.

Unable to invite users to a company (401 error)

When I try to invite users to a company, I get a 401 error stating that the request is unauthorized. How can I resolve this error?


A security feature checks that the dtsmp_consider_allow_create_membership_setting flag is enabled in conjunction with the Allow User Creation and Invitations property for any user to invite new users. Ensure that both of these are enabled and set to True to be able to invite users.

  • Enable the is_allow_membership_creation_by_marketplace_users flag in AppConfigr.
  • Enable the “Allow User Creation and Invitations” property in Company Settings (Go to Manage > Marketplace > Companies. Select a company and then click the Settings tab).

Unable to create a company for a verified domain

The following error is displayed when I try to create a company for a verified domain. What do I do?

This company email address has already been verified on the marketplace. Any user who signs up with the same domain will join the existing company. Please request that a marketplace manager unverify this company's email in order to create another company with this domain.


As the error message suggests, another company has already verified and claimed the email address. Technically, there can only be one company with a verified domain. No two companies can claim to have the same domain name (example:

Any new member with the same email domain must be part of that existing company.

Suppose we still want to create a company with the same domain. In that case, we first have to identify the company that has claimed this domain, and (as a Marketplace Manager) revoke the email verification status.

To do this:

Go to Manage > Marketplace > Companies. Select a company, and then click Manage Company > Unverify email.

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