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Create subscriptions

A subscription represents a customer's entitlement to a product and determines their access to that product, as well as their payment schedule. Subscriptions are created when the customer places an order. Paid subscriptions wait for payment approval before creating the subscription.

A subscription is created through the UI when a user purchases a product through an AppDirect-powered marketplace.

Once you have a created company, a user, and a payment instrument for that user, you can create subscriptions (purchase products) on behalf of that user. (The payment instrument is not required for free editions of products.) Note that the unique identifier for your new subscription will be returned in the response. This identifier will be used in the calls to manage the subscription.

AppDirect supports an OAuth-authenticated REST interface that allows API users to read, create, edit, and delete marketplace records that describe a subscription. These functions are all part of the Billing API, which is invokable through standard HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE) using standard REST conventions.

All calls to the Billing API occur under its endpoint URL,

You must create a payment instrument before you can create subscriptions via the Billling API.

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