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Other payment instrument-related API methods

The AppDirect Billing API supports several additional methods for managing your payment instrument once it has been created. There is a brief description of these methods below.

List payment instruments for user

Returns a list of payment instruments for the specified user.

URL endpoint: /api/billing/v1/companies/<companyUuid>/users/<userUuid>/paymentInstruments

Method: GET

Parameters: <companyUuid> the ID assigned by the channel to identify each company, <userUuid> the ID assigned by the channel to identify each user

HTTP Status Code: 200 OK Return list of payment instruments matching criteria; 404 Not Found if company, or user with that id is not present in the system.

Read payment instrument

Returns the details of a single payment instrument

URL endpoint: /api/billing/v1/paymentInstruments/<paymentInstrumentUuid>

Method: GET

Parameters: <paymentInstrumentUuid> The unique identifier assigned to the payment instrument by the channel

HTTP Status Codes: 200 OK Return payment instrument; 404 Not Found if the payment instrument with that id is not present in the system.

Update payment instrument for user

Updates an existing payment instrument

URL endpoint: /api/billing/v1/companies/<companyUuid>/users/<userUuid>/paymentInstruments/<paymentInstrumentUuid>

Method: PUT

Parameters: <companyUuid> the ID assigned by the channel to identify each company, <userUuid> the ID assigned by the channel to identify each user, <paymentInstrumentUud> the ID assigned by the channel to identify each payment instrument, a valid JSON or XML object containing payment instrument data

HTTP Status Codes: 200 OK payment instrument updated, 404 Not Found if company, user, or payment instrument with that id is not present in the system.

Delete payment instrument

Removes the payment instrument.

URL endpoint: /api/billing/v1/paymentInstruments/<paymentInstrumentUuid>

Method: DELETE

Parameters: <paymentInstrumentUuid> The unique identifier assigned to the payment instrument by the channel

HTTP Status Codes: 204 No Content payment instrument removed, 404 Not Found if payment instrument is not present in the system

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