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Supported request attributes

Request FieldFormatRequiredDescription
uuidStringYes, only required if the partner is using external IDsThe unique identifier for payment instrument.
billingAddressObjectYesThe billing address information for the user
billingAddress.salutationString EnumNoThe user's salutation, may be MR, MS, or COMPANY
billingAddress.firstNameStringYesThe user’s first name on their billing address
billingAddress.lastNameStringYesThe user's last name on their billing address
billingAddress.fullNameStringNoThe user's full name on their billing address
billingAddress.companyNameStringNoThe name of the user's company on their billing address
billingAddress.phoneNumberStringYesThe user's billing address phone number
billingAddress.phoneExtensionStringNoThe user's billing address phone extension
billingAddress.faxNumberStringNoThe user's billing address fax number
billingAddress.faxExtensionStringNoThe user's billing address fax extension
billingAddress.street1StringYes, if address specifiedThe user's billing street address line 1
billingAddress.street2StringNoThe user's billing street address line 2
billingAddress.cityStringYesThe user's billing address city
bilingAddress.stateStringYesThe user's billing address state
billingAddress.zipStringYesThe user's billing address zip code
billingAddress.countryStringYesThe user's billing address country
billingAddress.poboxStringNoThe user's billing address post office box
billingAddress.pozipStringNoThe user's billing address post office box zip code
creditCardObjectYesThe user’s credit card information
creditCard.numberStringYesThe user’s credit card number; on request only as credit card number is not saved
creditCard.nameStringYesThe user’s name as it appears on the credit card
creditCard.securityCodeStringYesThe user’s credit card CVV code from the back of the credit card; not saved
creditCard.expirationMonthStringYesThe user’s credit card expiration month
creditCard.expirationYearStringYesThe user’s credit card expiration year
creditCard.gatewayKeyStringNoThe user’s gateway key
paymentMethodString EnumYesThe payment method; must be CREDIT_CARD
isDefaultStringNo, defaults to falseIf this payment instrument is default form of payment, true
customParametersArrayNoA list of custom parameters

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