Supported request attributes
Request Field | Format | Required | Description |
uuid | String | Yes, only required if the partner is using external IDs | The unique identifier for payment instrument. |
billingAddress | Object | Yes | The billing address information for the user |
billingAddress.salutation | String Enum | No | The user's salutation, may be MR, MS, or COMPANY |
billingAddress.firstName | String | Yes | The user’s first name on their billing address |
billingAddress.lastName | String | Yes | The user's last name on their billing address |
billingAddress.fullName | String | No | The user's full name on their billing address |
billingAddress.companyName | String | No | The name of the user's company on their billing address |
billingAddress.phoneNumber | String | Yes | The user's billing address phone number |
billingAddress.phoneExtension | String | No | The user's billing address phone extension |
billingAddress.faxNumber | String | No | The user's billing address fax number |
billingAddress.faxExtension | String | No | The user's billing address fax extension |
billingAddress.street1 | String | Yes, if address specified | The user's billing street address line 1 |
billingAddress.street2 | String | No | The user's billing street address line 2 | | String | Yes | The user's billing address city |
bilingAddress.state | String | Yes | The user's billing address state | | String | Yes | The user's billing address zip code | | String | Yes | The user's billing address country |
billingAddress.pobox | String | No | The user's billing address post office box |
billingAddress.pozip | String | No | The user's billing address post office box zip code |
creditCard | Object | Yes | The user’s credit card information |
creditCard.number | String | Yes | The user’s credit card number; on request only as credit card number is not saved | | String | Yes | The user’s name as it appears on the credit card |
creditCard.securityCode | String | Yes | The user’s credit card CVV code from the back of the credit card; not saved |
creditCard.expirationMonth | String | Yes | The user’s credit card expiration month |
creditCard.expirationYear | String | Yes | The user’s credit card expiration year |
creditCard.gatewayKey | String | No | The user’s gateway key |
paymentMethod | String Enum | Yes | The payment method; must be CREDIT_CARD |
isDefault | String | No, defaults to false | If this payment instrument is default form of payment, true |
customParameters | Array | No | A list of custom parameters |
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