Create the paymentMethod object
The paymentMethod
object contains all of the payment method
information that the end user provides (see Collect payment method information), and is required for both
authorization scenarios. It is your responsibility to validate the data.
When you use the payment.js library, you can only store one payment method per user. When you create a new payment method, it overwrites the existing payment method. There is no way to manage multiple payment methods and designate one as the default, which you can do with the Payment Methods API or through the AppMarket user interface.
const paymentMethod = {
paymentMethodType: "CARD",
currency: "USD",
accountDisplay: "",
properties: {
number: "4111111111111111",
securityCode: "111",
cardHolderName: "John Doe",
expirationMonth: "1",
expirationYear: "2021",
brand: "VISA"
billingAddress: {
firstName: "John",
lastName: "Doe",
street1: "123 Main St.",
city: "Springfield",
state: "MA",
country: "US",
zip: "20156"
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