This feature is currently in Early Availability (EA) status. For more information, see GraphQL API policy.
Inventory mutations
You can set up an Inventory for a product edition by using the Inventory mutations to create it, and then to keep it up to date so that it always reflects the number of units that are actually available for sale.
The GraphQL API offers two mutations for creating and maintaining an Inventory:
createInventory—Creates the initial inventory, and returns the unique identifier to be used to identify it in other API calls.
updateInventory—Updates an existing inventory to show the most recent information.
The Inventory for a product edition can be created by the product provider or by the marketplace owner. After it is created, the product provider can send updates whenever necessary to ensure that the Inventory accurately reflects the number of units currently in stock.
The GraphQL API also offers a deleteInventory mutation for deleting an Inventory if it is no longer applicable—for example, if the provider discontinues the edition.
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