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Data objects


This integration guide supports physical goods. The physical goods product category is in Early Availability status. Features in Early Availability status are only available in production to a limited number of customers based on fit with specific use cases. For more information about Early Availability status, see Product lifecycle phases. If you would like to use the product capabilities described here during the Early Availability phase, contact your AppDirect technical representative.

The physical fulfillment manager expects the shipping connector to understand the data objects described in this topic. These objects define how an entity is presented to the shipping connector. In addition, when the shipping connector returns a response that contains any of these data objects, it needs to verify that all fields have been populated correctly.

Address object

This object depicts how the address is represented, in a format that AppDirect can understand.

nameStringNCustomer name
companyStringNCompany name
addressLine1StringYStreet address
addressLine2StringNOptional second street address
subdivisionCodeStringYState or province code (2-character, for example, CA or NY)
postalCodeStringYZip or postal code
countryCodeStringYISO 3166 alpha-2 country code
phoneStringNCustomer phone number
emailStringNCustomer email

Item object

This object depicts how an item is represented, in a format that AppDirect can understand.

fulfillmentItemIdStringYThe item identifier referenced within AppDirect
quantityNumberYThe quantity of the item
configurationObjectYThe item dimension details, or the SKU reference for a dropshipment item. Please refer to the “Item configuration object (Non-dropshipment item)” and “Item configuration object (Non-dropshipment item)” definitions below

Item configuration object (non-dropshipment)


Although the marketplace currently does not track item attributes (dimensions and weight), hard-coded default values are provided in this object. The purpose is to ensure future compatibility between the marketplace and the connector.

lengthNumberYLength of the parcel
widthNumberYWidth of the parcel
heightNumberYHeight of the parcel
lengthUnitStringYLength of parcel (cm, in, ft, mm, m, yd)
weightNumberYWeight of parcel
weightUnitStringYUnit of weight (g, kg, oz, lb)

Item configuration object (dropshipment)


Since the item details exist within the dropshipment platform, only the SKU is required.

skuStringYThe SKU reference of the item in the external dropshipment platform

Rate object

This object depicts how a shipping rate is represented, in a format that AppDirect can understand.

shippingQuoteIdStringYUnique identifier of the rate
shippingRateIdStringYUnique identifier of the rate
shippingCostMethodStringYThe shipping cost method used by AppDirect to determine the shipping rate calculation method
nameObjectYThe shipping provider name mapping object
name[locale]StringYThe name output for the given locale
serviceTypeStringYThe name of the shipping provider's service level (for example, UP translates to UPS Ground)
costNumberYShipping cost
currencyStringYISO 4217 currency code (for example, CAD, USD)
isFreeBooleanYFlag that determines whether the user interface should show the actual cost value or a FREE label for each rate.

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