A membership (user to company association) defined on the marketplace
This page contains
user: User! PREVIEW | The user associated with this account membership |
account: Account! PREVIEW | The account associated with this account membership |
feedResources(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String, filter: FeedResourcesFilter): FeedResourceConnection! | Retrieve list of feed resources for the current account membership (user) |
creditMemos(filter: CreditMemoFilter!, orderBy: [CreditMemoOrderBy], first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): CreditMemoAccountMembershipConnection! | |
isLastUsed: Boolean! | Defines if this account membership was the most recent one accessed by the user |
roles: [AccountMembershipRole!] | Granted roles for this membership |
status: AccountMembershipStatus! | Current Status of this membership |
Parent objects of AccountMembership
AccountMembershipConnection | A connection type used to page through a list of account memberships |
FeedResource | Definition of a feed resource |
FeedResourceContent | A content item associated with a feed resource i.e. file, image, video, etc. |
User PREVIEW | User from the Account Management Service |
Mutations for AccountMembership
createAccountMembership PREVIEW | Add a new or existing user as a member of a marketplace account (company) |
createAccountMembershipWithPassword PREVIEW | Create a marketplace user with membership in the given company. The created user is active, and is associated with the specified company (membership). User is set with a temporary password; the password is emailed to the recipients specified in the request body. The domain part of the user's email address must match one of the verified domains associated with the company the user will be created in. |
disableAccountMembership PREVIEW | Disable marketplace user's account (company) membership. This only changes the user account membership's enabled status; all other attributes are ignored. |
enableAccountMembership PREVIEW | Enable marketplace user's account (company) membership. This only changes the user account membership's enabled status; all other attributes are ignored. |
updateRolesForAccountMembership PREVIEW | Update roles for an account (company) membership |
Queries for AccountMembership
accountMembership | Retrieve an account membership by account ID and user ID |
accountMemberships | Retrieve list of account memberships by account ID |
accountMembershipsByAccessType | |
accountMembershipsByAccountIdAndUserIdPairs PREVIEW | Retrieve a list of account IDs and user IDs |
accountMembershipsForLinkedReseller | Retrieve list of account memberships by reseller account ID and associated customer user ID |
me | Retrieve details of currently logged-in user |
user | Retrieve a user by ID |
userByExternalId | Retrieve a user by external ID |
userByUsername | Retrieve a user by username |