Attributes available to create a product
This page contains
type ProductTypeInput! | The type of product (ex: WEB_APP) |
name [LocalStringInput!] | The name of the product |
addon Boolean! | Define the product as an add-on |
allowMultiplePurchases Boolean! | Define if the product allows multiple purchases |
usageType UsageType! | Define how many users can be assigned per purchase of the product. |
referable Boolean! | Define if the product is referable |
vendorId ID | Identifier of the vendor. It is a UUID and can also be referenced as CompanyUUID (Optional: only needed for tenant level permissions) |
supplierId ID PREVIEW | Supplier id for physical products or hardware as a service |
shortDescription [LocalStringInput!] | 5 words description of the product |
description [LocalStringInput!] | Description of the product |
vendorName [LocalStringInput!] | Name of the product vendor |
linkToProductWebsite [LocalizedURLInput!] | Link to the product website |
support ProductSupportInput | Support information of a Product |
overview ProductOverviewInput | Profile overview information |
media [ProductMediaInput!] | Media information |
features [ProductFeatureInput!] | Product features information |
benefits [ProductBenefitInput!] | Product benefits information |
editionSharedInformation ProductEditionSharedInformationInput | Edition shared information |
privacyPolicyLink [LocalizedURLInput!] | URL to the application's privacy policy |
termsAndConditionsLink [LocalizedURLInput!] | URL to the application's terms and conditions |
externalResources ProductExternalResourcesInput PREVIEW | Application's external resources |
Mutations for CreateProductInput
createProduct | Create a product |