Definition of a pricing plan
This page contains
id: ID! PREVIEW | id of the pricing plan |
editionId: String | Unique identifier of a product edition with which requested pricing plan was associated |
productId: String | Unique identifier of a product with which requested pricing plan was associated |
status: PricingPlanStatus | Status of pricing plan |
pricingDuration: PricingDuration! PREVIEW | Length of the billing cycle (Deprecated - Use billingFrequency instead for new version of the API) |
billingFrequency: PricingDuration! PREVIEW | Length of the billing cycle |
allowCustomUsage: Boolean! | If true, reporting metered usage with arbitrary cost and description is allowed |
keepBillDateOnUsageChange: Boolean! | If true, the billing date for a subscription will not change when a customer updates quantity of units they have purchased |
keepBillDateOnPricingPlanChange: Boolean! | If true, the billing date for a subscription will not change when a subscription's pricing plan is changed. A pricing plan change takes precedence over a unit quantity / usage change |
separatePrepaid: Boolean! | If true, all metered usage will be charged at the end of the billing cycle. Any other fees will be pre-paid at the beginning of the billing cycle |
flatFee: PricingPlanFee | Defines developer price and markup prices for flat fee on the plan |
setupFee: PricingPlanFee | Defines developer price and markup prices for one time setup fee on the plan |
unitFees: [PricingPlanUnitFee!] | Defines developer price and markup prices for different units configured on the plan |
contract: PricingPlanContract! | Defines contract definition |
customMeteredUsageFees: [MarkupPrice!] | Defines markup prices for custom metered usage. |
externalSourcePrices(currency: Currency): [ExternalSourcePrice!] | List of prices from external sources for different types of fees for given currency. If currency is not provided,it defaults to USD |
costs: [Cost!] | Defines prices on different fees of pricing plan (Deprecated - Use flatFee, setupFee, unitFees instead for new version of the API) |
Parent objects of PricingPlan
CartItem PREVIEW | A single item in the cart |
CartItemEdition PREVIEW | Represents the edition of the cart item |
EditionPricing | Represents pricing information of an edition |
PricingPlanInfo PREVIEW | Definition of credit memo pricing plan info. Contains a reference to the current pricing plan data. |
SubscriptionContractRenews PREVIEW | |
SubscriptionDefinition PREVIEW | Subscription definition |
TransferUnitEligibleEdition PREVIEW | Response for unit transfer. |
Mutations for PricingPlan
createPricingPlan | Creates a pricing plan for the specified edition |
updatePricingPlan | Updates an existing pricing plan |
Queries for PricingPlan
editionPricing | Returns pricing information for edition for provided edition reference id |
pricingPlan | Returns pricing plan information for provided id |
transferUnitEligibleSubscriptions PREVIEW | Get the list of eligible subscriptions for a unit transfer. |