
PricingPlan is in Preview status and is subject to change without notice. For more information about Preview status, see the GraphQL API policy.


Definition of a pricing plan

This page contains


    id: ID! PREVIEW

    id of the pricing plan

    editionId: String

    Unique identifier of a product edition with which requested pricing plan was associated

    productId: String

    Unique identifier of a product with which requested pricing plan was associated

    status: PricingPlanStatus

    Status of pricing plan

    pricingDuration: PricingDuration! PREVIEW

    Length of the billing cycle (Deprecated - Use billingFrequency instead for new version of the API)

    billingFrequency: PricingDuration! PREVIEW

    Length of the billing cycle

    allowCustomUsage: Boolean!

    If true, reporting metered usage with arbitrary cost and description is allowed

    keepBillDateOnUsageChange: Boolean!

    If true, the billing date for a subscription will not change when a customer updates quantity of units they have purchased

    keepBillDateOnPricingPlanChange: Boolean!

    If true, the billing date for a subscription will not change when a subscription's pricing plan is changed. A pricing plan change takes precedence over a unit quantity / usage change

    separatePrepaid: Boolean!

    If true, all metered usage will be charged at the end of the billing cycle. Any other fees will be pre-paid at the beginning of the billing cycle

    flatFee: PricingPlanFee

    Defines developer price and markup prices for flat fee on the plan

    setupFee: PricingPlanFee

    Defines developer price and markup prices for one time setup fee on the plan

    unitFees: [PricingPlanUnitFee!]

    Defines developer price and markup prices for different units configured on the plan

    contract: PricingPlanContract!

    Defines contract definition

    customMeteredUsageFees: [MarkupPrice!]

    Defines markup prices for custom metered usage.

    externalSourcePrices(currency: Currency): [ExternalSourcePrice!]

    List of prices from external sources for different types of fees for given currency. If currency is not provided,it defaults to USD

    costs: [Cost!]

    Defines prices on different fees of pricing plan (Deprecated - Use flatFee, setupFee, unitFees instead for new version of the API)

    Parent objects of PricingPlan

    CartItem PREVIEW

    A single item in the cart

    CartItemEdition PREVIEW

    Represents the edition of the cart item


    Represents pricing information of an edition

    PricingPlanInfo PREVIEW

    Definition of credit memo pricing plan info. Contains a reference to the current pricing plan data.

    SubscriptionContractRenews PREVIEW
    SubscriptionDefinition PREVIEW

    Subscription definition

    TransferUnitEligibleEdition PREVIEW

    Response for unit transfer.

    Mutations for PricingPlan


    Creates a pricing plan for the specified edition


    Updates an existing pricing plan

    Queries for PricingPlan


    Returns pricing information for edition for provided edition reference id


    Returns pricing plan information for provided id

    transferUnitEligibleSubscriptions PREVIEW

    Get the list of eligible subscriptions for a unit transfer.