
BasicSubscriptionUpdateRequest is in Preview status and is subject to change without notice. For more information about Preview status, see the GraphQL API policy.


Subscription update request originated from subscriptionUpdateRequest mutation

This page contains


    idempotencyKey: ID!

    Unique identifier for the request to ensure no duplicate requests are made

    subscriptionId: ID!

    Subscription UUID

    pricingPlanId: ID!

    Pricing Plan UUID

    items: [SubscriptionUpdateRequestItem!]! PREVIEW

    Item details of the update

    discountCodes: [SubscriptionUpdateRequestDiscountCode!] PREVIEW

    Discount codes to be applied; currently only one discount code is supported

    vendorCustomAttributes: [SubscriptionUpdateRequestCustomAttribute!] PREVIEW

    Vendor custom attributes

    subscriptionCustomAttributes: [SubscriptionUpdateRequestCustomAttribute!] PREVIEW

    Subscription custom attributes
