A single item in the cart
This page contains
id: ID! | Unique identifier of the cart item |
pricingPlan: PricingPlan! PREVIEW | Pricing plan of the cart item |
edition: CartItemEdition! PREVIEW | Edition of the cart item |
product: CartItemProduct! PREVIEW | Product of the cart item |
isAddonItem: Boolean! | Weather this is an addon item |
parentItemId: String | ID of the parent cart item for addon items. Only populated when isAddonItem is true |
discount: CartItemDiscount PREVIEW | Discount information applied to the cart item |
customAttributes: CartItemCustomAttributes PREVIEW | Custom attributes for the cart item |
units: [CartItemUnit!]! PREVIEW | Unit configurations for the cart item |
prices: [CartItemPrice!]! PREVIEW | Applied prices for the item |
vendorSpecialPricingDetails: CartItemVendorSpecialPricingDetails PREVIEW | Special pricing details provided by the vendor |
paymentSchedule: CartItemPaymentSchedule! PREVIEW | Payment schedule for the cart item |
unitsAllocationsForAccounts: [UnitsAllocationsForAccount] PREVIEW | Unit allocations across multiple child accounts (companies) |
Parent objects of CartItem
Cart PREVIEW | A user's cart containing items to be purchased |
Queries for CartItem
activeCart PREVIEW | Retrieves the active cart for the current user |
activeCartOfUser PREVIEW | Retrieves the active cart for a specific user |