
CartField is in Preview status and is subject to change without notice. For more information about Preview status, see the GraphQL API policy.


A form field in the cart

This page contains


    inputCode: String!

    Unique identifier of the field

    inputTitle: String

    Title/label of the field

    subTitle: String

    Subtitle of the field

    tooltip: String

    Tooltip text for the field

    value: String

    Default value of the field

    possibleValues: [CartFieldPossibleValue!] PREVIEW

    Available options for select/dropdown fields

    fieldType: CartFieldType! PREVIEW

    Type of the form field

    visible: Boolean!

    Whether the field should be displayed

    validations: CartFieldValidation! PREVIEW

    Validation rules for the field

    options: CartFieldOption PREVIEW

    Field configuration options including suffix and placeholder

    Parent objects of CartField

    CartItemProductFieldsForm PREVIEW

    Product fields form containing cart item details

    Queries for CartField

    cartFields PREVIEW

    Retrieves form fields for a specific cart