
BillingRelationshipDetail is in Preview status and is subject to change without notice. For more information about Preview status, see the GraphQL API policy.


Billing relationship details which stores the relationship between buyer, merchant of record, payer and owner

This page contains


    buyer: BillingRelationshipBuyerType! PREVIEW

    Type of entity who purchases the product

    merchantOfRecord: BillingRelationshipMerchantOfRecordType! PREVIEW

    Type of entity who is responsible for the financial transaction

    payer: BillingRelationshipPayerType! PREVIEW

    Type of entity who pays the invoice for the product

    owner: BillingRelationshipOwnerType! PREVIEW

    Type of entity who owns the product

    Parent objects of BillingRelationshipDetail

    BillingRelationship PREVIEW

    Billing relationship which stores the relationship details for given entity (tenant)

    Queries for BillingRelationshipDetail

    billingRelationship PREVIEW

    Read specific billing relationship for tenant

    defaultBillingRelationship PREVIEW

    Read default billing relationship for tenant