
TransferUnitsRequestInput is in Preview status and is subject to change without notice. For more information about Preview status, see the GraphQL API policy.


input for unit transfer.

This page contains


    idempotencyKey ID!

    Unique key to ensure no duplicate requests are made

    subscriptionId ID!

    Subscription Id of the source subscription

    transferAllUnits Boolean!

    To identify if all units needs to be transferred or not. If value will be true, all units will be transferred.

    vendorCustomAttributes [SubscriptionUpdateRequestCustomAttributeInput!] PREVIEW

    Vendor custom attributes on source subscription

    subscriptionCustomAttributes [SubscriptionUpdateRequestCustomAttributeInput!] PREVIEW

    Subscription custom attributes on source subscription

    items [SubscriptionUpdateRequestItemInput!]! PREVIEW

    Items of the source subscriptions

    targetSubscription TransferUnitsRequestTargetSubscriptionInput! PREVIEW

    Target subscription/pricingPlan details

    Mutations for TransferUnitsRequestInput

    transferUnits PREVIEW

    Mutation to transfer units between products and subscriptions. It supports a full or partial unit transfer.