
PageInfo provides cursor information for a list of objects

This page contains


    startCursor: String

    startCursor is an opaque cursor representing the first returned item

    endCursor: String

    endCursor is an opaque cursor representing the last returned item

    hasPreviousPage: Boolean!

    hasPreviousPage indicates if the connection has items before the startCursor

    hasNextPage: Boolean!

    hasNextPage indicates if the connection has items after the endCursor

    Parent objects of PageInfo


    A connection type used to navigate through a list of account associations


    A connection type used to page through a list of accounts


    A connection type used to page through a list of account memberships


    A connection type used to page through a list of users


    Paginated results for webhook configurations by account


    Paginated results for webhooks by account

    BalanceCreditMemoConnection PREVIEW
    BalanceCustomerConnection PREVIEW
    BalanceInvoiceConnection PREVIEW
    BalancePaymentConnection PREVIEW
    BillingRelationshipConnection PREVIEW

    Connection type for BillingRelationship

    CommissionEventConnection PREVIEW

    Connection type that pages through a list of commission events

    CreditMemoAccountConnection PREVIEW
    CreditMemoAccountMembershipConnection PREVIEW
    CreditMemoConnection PREVIEW
    DistributorProductImportsConnection PREVIEW

    Paginated result for imported product details

    DistributorsProductsConnection PREVIEW

    Paginated result for product details by Distributor

    FailedMeteredUsageConnection PREVIEW

    Failed Usages from metered usage


    A connection type used to page through a list of feed resources

    FreeTrialExtensionRequestConnection PREVIEW
    FunctionConnection PREVIEW

    Paginated list of functions.

    IAASJobConnection PREVIEW

    Type to hold IAASJob List and its pagination details

    IAASRawUsageConnection PREVIEW
    InvoiceConnection PREVIEW
    NotificationOptOutsByMethodAndTargetConnection PREVIEW

    Connection object used to page through a list of Notification opt outs

    NotificationOptOutsByMethodAndTypeConnection PREVIEW

    Connection object used to page through a list of Notification opt outs

    PaymentConnection PREVIEW

    Represents the details for the price book company connection


    A connection type used to page through a list of price books


    A connection type used to page through a list of price book versions


    A connection type used to page through a list of pricing events

    ProductEditionAssociationConnection PREVIEW

    Paginated result of associations


    Paginated list of product integrations.

    ProductVariantConnection PREVIEW

    Paginated ProductVariant

    ProgramApplicantConnection PREVIEW
    PsaCompanyMappingsConnection PREVIEW

    A connection type used to page through a list of company mappings"

    PublishedProductSearchResult PREVIEW

    Represent a search result

    PublishedProductSearchResultInternal PREVIEW

    Represent a search result

    PublishedProductSearchResultTesting PREVIEW

    Represent a search result

    ReviewsConnection PREVIEW

    Connection used to go through a list of product reviews

    ReviewStatsConnection PREVIEW

    Connection used to go through a list of product review statistics

    ScheduleJobConnection PREVIEW

    A connection type used to page through a list of schedule jobs

    SerializedUnitConnection PREVIEW

    Paginated list of Serialized Units.

    UsageFileUploadConnection PREVIEW

    A connection type used to page through a list of usage file uploads

    UsageReaderConnection PREVIEW

    A connection type used to page through a list of usage readers


    A connection type used to navigate through a list of users


    A connection type used to page through a list of users


    Paginated result for webhook configurations by tenant


    Paginated result for webhooks by tenant

    Queries for PageInfo


    Retrieve list of account associations


    Retrieve list of account memberships by account ID


    Retrieve list of account memberships by reseller account ID and associated customer user ID


    Retrieve a list of accounts

    billingRelationships PREVIEW

    Read all billing relationships

    commissionEvent PREVIEW

    Returns a list of commission event entities found for the filters provided

    creditMemos PREVIEW
    customersForMerchantOfRecord PREVIEW

    Retrieve all customer with the latest balance by Merchant of Record

    distributorProductImports PREVIEW

    Fetch import product details

    distributorsProducts PREVIEW

    Paginated list of productDetail

    failedUsages PREVIEW
    freeTrialExtensionRequests PREVIEW

    Find free-trial extension requests by filter

    functions PREVIEW

    Paginated list of functions for a tenant.

    invoices PREVIEW

    Retrieve invoices

    notificationOptOutsByMethodAndTarget PREVIEW

    Returns paginated list of opted out notifications for given notification delivery method and target

    notificationOptOutsByMethodAndType PREVIEW

    Returns paginated list of opted out notifications for given notification delivery method and notification type

    payments PREVIEW

    Retrieve list of payments by marketplace

    paymentsByCompanyId PREVIEW

    Retrieve list of payments by companyId

    paymentsByUserAndCompanyId PREVIEW

    Retrieve list of payments by companyId and userId


    Returns all price books companies


    Returns all price books for partner


    Returns all the price books for a given pricing plan


    Returns price book versions by its Id


    Returns pricing events for provided pricing event type id

    productEditionAssociations PREVIEW

    List all associations for a marketplace


    Query product integrations by vendor identifier.


    Query products by tenant


    Query products by vendor ID

    programApplicants PREVIEW
    psaCompanyMappings PREVIEW

    Read all available company mapping

    publishedProductsSearch PREVIEW
    publishedProductsSearchInternal PREVIEW

    Returns a paginated list of published products that match the queryString, partner, locale and filters provided.

    publishedProductsSearchTesting PREVIEW
    rawUsageItemsByJobId PREVIEW
    reviewAllStats PREVIEW

    Retrieve all product review statistics

    reviews PREVIEW

    Retrieve a list of product reviews


    Returns paginated list of the schedule jobs

    serializedUnitsByShipmentItemId PREVIEW

    Queries a list of serialized units for an item within a shipment.

    usageFileUploads PREVIEW

    Returns all file uploads for partner

    usageReaders PREVIEW

    Returns all usage readers for partner


    Retrieve list of users


    Paginated list of webhook configurations for a tenant


    List of webhooks for a tenant