PageInfo provides cursor information for a list of objects
This page contains
startCursor: String | startCursor is an opaque cursor representing the first returned item |
endCursor: String | endCursor is an opaque cursor representing the last returned item |
hasPreviousPage: Boolean! | hasPreviousPage indicates if the connection has items before the startCursor |
hasNextPage: Boolean! | hasNextPage indicates if the connection has items after the endCursor |
Parent objects of PageInfo
AccountAssociationConnection | A connection type used to navigate through a list of account associations |
AccountConnection | A connection type used to page through a list of accounts |
AccountMembershipConnection | A connection type used to page through a list of account memberships |
AccountMembershipDetailsConnection | A connection type used to page through a list of users |
AccountWebhookConfigurationConnection | Paginated results for webhook configurations by account |
AccountWebhookConnection | Paginated results for webhooks by account |
BalanceCreditMemoConnection PREVIEW | |
BalanceCustomerConnection PREVIEW | |
BalanceInvoiceConnection PREVIEW | |
BalancePaymentConnection PREVIEW | |
BillingRelationshipConnection PREVIEW | Connection type for BillingRelationship |
CommissionEventConnection PREVIEW | Connection type that pages through a list of commission events |
CreditMemoAccountConnection PREVIEW | |
CreditMemoAccountMembershipConnection PREVIEW | |
CreditMemoConnection PREVIEW | |
DistributorProductImportsConnection PREVIEW | Paginated result for imported product details |
DistributorsProductsConnection PREVIEW | Paginated result for product details by Distributor |
FailedMeteredUsageConnection PREVIEW | Failed Usages from metered usage |
FeedResourceConnection | A connection type used to page through a list of feed resources |
FreeTrialExtensionRequestConnection PREVIEW | |
FunctionConnection PREVIEW | Paginated list of functions. |
IAASJobConnection PREVIEW | Type to hold IAASJob List and its pagination details |
IAASRawUsageConnection PREVIEW | |
InvoiceConnection PREVIEW | |
NotificationOptOutsByMethodAndTargetConnection PREVIEW | Connection object used to page through a list of Notification opt outs |
NotificationOptOutsByMethodAndTypeConnection PREVIEW | Connection object used to page through a list of Notification opt outs |
PaymentConnection PREVIEW | |
PriceBookCompaniesConnection | Represents the details for the price book company connection |
PriceBookConnection | A connection type used to page through a list of price books |
PriceBookVersionConnection | A connection type used to page through a list of price book versions |
PricingEventsConnection | A connection type used to page through a list of pricing events |
ProductConnection | |
ProductEditionAssociationConnection PREVIEW | Paginated result of associations |
ProductIntegrationConnection | Paginated list of product integrations. |
ProductVariantConnection PREVIEW | Paginated ProductVariant |
ProgramApplicantConnection PREVIEW | |
PsaCompanyMappingsConnection PREVIEW | A connection type used to page through a list of company mappings" |
PublishedProductSearchResult PREVIEW | Represent a search result |
PublishedProductSearchResultInternal PREVIEW | Represent a search result |
PublishedProductSearchResultTesting PREVIEW | Represent a search result |
ReviewsConnection PREVIEW | Connection used to go through a list of product reviews |
ReviewStatsConnection PREVIEW | Connection used to go through a list of product review statistics |
ScheduleJobConnection PREVIEW | A connection type used to page through a list of schedule jobs |
SerializedUnitConnection PREVIEW | Paginated list of Serialized Units. |
UsageFileUploadConnection PREVIEW | A connection type used to page through a list of usage file uploads |
UsageReaderConnection PREVIEW | A connection type used to page through a list of usage readers |
UserActivityConnection | |
UserConnection | A connection type used to navigate through a list of users |
UserMembershipDetailsConnection | A connection type used to page through a list of users |
WebhookConfigurationConnection | Paginated result for webhook configurations by tenant |
WebhookConnection | Paginated result for webhooks by tenant |
Queries for PageInfo
accountAssociations | Retrieve list of account associations |
accountMemberships | Retrieve list of account memberships by account ID |
accountMembershipsByAccessType | |
accountMembershipsForLinkedReseller | Retrieve list of account memberships by reseller account ID and associated customer user ID |
accounts | Retrieve a list of accounts |
billingRelationships PREVIEW | Read all billing relationships |
commissionEvent PREVIEW | Returns a list of commission event entities found for the filters provided |
creditMemos PREVIEW | |
customersForMerchantOfRecord PREVIEW | Retrieve all customer with the latest balance by Merchant of Record |
distributorProductImports PREVIEW | Fetch import product details |
distributorsProducts PREVIEW | Paginated list of productDetail |
failedUsages PREVIEW | |
freeTrialExtensionRequests PREVIEW | Find free-trial extension requests by filter |
functions PREVIEW | Paginated list of functions for a tenant. |
invoices PREVIEW | Retrieve invoices |
notificationOptOutsByMethodAndTarget PREVIEW | Returns paginated list of opted out notifications for given notification delivery method and target |
notificationOptOutsByMethodAndType PREVIEW | Returns paginated list of opted out notifications for given notification delivery method and notification type |
payments PREVIEW | Retrieve list of payments by marketplace |
paymentsByCompanyId PREVIEW | Retrieve list of payments by companyId |
paymentsByUserAndCompanyId PREVIEW | Retrieve list of payments by companyId and userId |
priceBookCompanies | Returns all price books companies |
priceBooks | Returns all price books for partner |
priceBooksByPricingPlanId | Returns all the price books for a given pricing plan |
priceBookVersions | Returns price book versions by its Id |
pricingEvents | Returns pricing events for provided pricing event type id |
productEditionAssociations PREVIEW | List all associations for a marketplace |
productIntegrationsByVendorId | Query product integrations by vendor identifier. |
products | Query products by tenant |
productsByVendorId | Query products by vendor ID |
programApplicants PREVIEW | |
psaCompanyMappings PREVIEW | Read all available company mapping |
publishedProductsSearch PREVIEW | |
publishedProductsSearchInternal PREVIEW | Returns a paginated list of published products that match the queryString, partner, locale and filters provided. |
publishedProductsSearchTesting PREVIEW | |
rawUsageItemsByJobId PREVIEW | |
reviewAllStats PREVIEW | Retrieve all product review statistics |
reviews PREVIEW | Retrieve a list of product reviews |
scheduleJobs | Returns paginated list of the schedule jobs |
serializedUnitsByShipmentItemId PREVIEW | Queries a list of serialized units for an item within a shipment. |
usageFileUploads PREVIEW | Returns all file uploads for partner |
usageReaders PREVIEW | Returns all usage readers for partner |
userActivities | |
users | Retrieve list of users |
webhookConfigurations | Paginated list of webhook configurations for a tenant |
webhooks | List of webhooks for a tenant |