User from the Account Management Service
This page contains
id: ID! PREVIEW | Represents User ID |
createdOn: DateTime | User creation date |
email: String | Email address of the user |
externalId: String | External identifier of the user |
firstName: String | User's first name |
lastName: String | User's last name |
lastSuccessfulLogin: DateTime | Last login time |
username: String | Username of the user |
status: UserStatus | Current status of the user |
idpId: String | The external identity provider's ID for the user |
ldapId: String | LDAP ID of the user |
tenant: String | Tenant of the user |
locale: Locale | User's locale, in the standard ISO 639-1 language code + ISO 3166-1 country code format. For example: 'en_US', 'fr_CA', and so on |
homePhone: PhoneNumber | Home phone number in E164 format |
workPhone: PhoneNumber | Work phone number in E164 format |
mobilePhone: PhoneNumber | Mobile phone number in E164 format |
secondaryEmailAddresses: [SecondaryEmailAddress!] | A list of secondary email addresses of the user |
memberships: [AccountMembership!] PREVIEW | The list of memberships associated with the user |
currentMembership: AccountMembership PREVIEW | The current membership associated with the user |
customAttributes: [CustomAttribute!] | The custom attributes associated with the user |
picture: Url | The profile picture URL |
title: Title PREVIEW | Title of the user |
userMemberships(first: Int, after: String, before: String, last: Int, filter: UserMembershipDetailsFilter): UserMembershipDetailsConnection! | The list of memberships associated with the user |
Parent objects of User
AccountMembership PREVIEW | A membership (user to company association) defined on the marketplace |
AccountMembershipDetails | A membership in marketplace account |
Cart PREVIEW | The cart of a user containing one or more items to be purchased |
Payer PREVIEW | Definition of a payer. It is the user that has to pay to a merchant. |
PaymentMethod PREVIEW | |
RefundAuthor PREVIEW | Definition of a refund author |
UserActivity | |
UserConnection | A connection type used to navigate through a list of users |
UserInfo PREVIEW | User for invoice. Contains a reference to current user and user data recorded at invoice creation. |
Mutations for User
updateUser PREVIEW | Updates a marketplace user |
Queries for User
accountMembership | Retrieve an account membership by account ID and user ID |
accountMembershipsByAccountIdAndUserIdPairs PREVIEW | Retrieve a list of account IDs and user IDs |
activeCart PREVIEW | Retrieves active cart of the user |
activeCartOfUser PREVIEW | Retrieves active cart of the user |
me | Retrieve details of currently logged-in user |
paymentMethods PREVIEW | Retrieve payment methods by party type, party id, company uuid, user uuid |
user | Retrieve a user by ID |
userActivity | |
userByExternalId | Retrieve a user by external ID |
userByUsername | Retrieve a user by username |
users | Retrieve list of users |