
SubscriptionUpdateRequest is in Preview status and is subject to change without notice. For more information about Preview status, see the GraphQL API policy.



This page contains


    idempotencyKey: ID!

    Unique identifier for the request to ensure no duplicate requests are made

    subscriptionId: ID!

    Subscription UUID

    pricingPlanId: ID!

    Pricing Plan UUID

    items: [SubscriptionUpdateRequestItem!]! PREVIEW

    Item details of the update

    discountCodes: [SubscriptionUpdateRequestDiscountCode!] PREVIEW

    Discount codes to be applied; currently only one discount code is supported

    vendorCustomAttributes: [SubscriptionUpdateRequestCustomAttribute!] PREVIEW

    Vendor custom attributes

    subscriptionCustomAttributes: [SubscriptionUpdateRequestCustomAttribute!] PREVIEW

    Subscription custom attributes

    Types that implement SubscriptionUpdateRequest

    BasicSubscriptionUpdateRequest PREVIEW

    Subscription update request originated from subscriptionUpdateRequest mutation

    UnitsTransferSubscriptionUpdateRequest PREVIEW

    Subscription update unit transfer request originated from unitsTransferRequest mutation