
ProductEdition definition

This page contains


    id: ID!

    Unique identifier

    version: String!

    Edition's version

    code: String!

    The code of the edition

    product: Product! PREVIEW

    Associated product

    inventory: Inventory
    pricing: EditionPricing PREVIEW
    name: [LocalizedString!]!

    The localized name of the edition

    status: ProductEditionStatus

    The status of the edition

    variant: ProductVariant PREVIEW

    Corresponding variant to this edition

    files: [ProductEditionFile!]!

    Associated files with this edition

    features: [ProductEditionFeature!]

    Features of the edition

    legalAndCompliance: ProductEditionLegalAndCompliance

    Legal and Compliance of the edition

    targetAudience: [LocalizedString!]! PREVIEW

    The localized name of the target audience

    position: Int

    Order of display in UI

    upstreamAssociations: [ProductEditionAssociation!] PREVIEW

    Required product editions to buy this edition

    Parent objects of ProductEdition

    Product PREVIEW

    Product definition

    ProductEditionAssociation PREVIEW
    ProductEditionAssociationRequirement PREVIEW
    ProductVariant PREVIEW

    Specific variant of a Product from a configuration of a product's variant value

    SubscriptionDefinition PREVIEW

    Subscription definition

    SubscriptionState PREVIEW

    Subscription State

    TransferUnitEligibleEdition PREVIEW

    Response for unit transfer.

    Mutations for ProductEdition


    Create an edition

    createProductEditionAssociations PREVIEW

    Create an association between editions

    removeFileFromProductEdition PREVIEW

    Remove a file from a product edition


    Update a product edition

    Queries for ProductEdition


    Query a product

    transferUnitEligibleSubscriptions PREVIEW

    Get the list of eligible subscriptions for a unit transfer.