
The UserError interface defines the common fields that are expected in every implementation.

This page contains


    message: String!

    Description of the error

    path: [String!]

    Path to the field in the request where the error originated

    Types that implement UserError

    AccountActivationRedirectUrlForbiddenError PREVIEW

    The redirect url is forbidden

    AccountAlreadyExistError PREVIEW

    The association between the Reseller and Customer already exists

    AccountAssociationExistsError PREVIEW

    The association between the Reseller and Customer already exists

    AccountCannotBeCreatedWithBothReferralAndResellerError PREVIEW

    The new account was designated as both a Referral and a Reseller account, but an account cannot have both roles

    AccountEmailAddressValidationError PREVIEW

    The email address for the new account does not use the correct format (a@b.c)

    AccountEmailAlreadyExistsError PREVIEW

    A user with given email address already exists in another marketplace company. Please invite this user instead

    AccountInvalidCountryCodeError PREVIEW

    The country code for the account is not valid

    AccountInvalidFieldValueError PREVIEW

    The entry for this field uses an incorrect format, or is otherwise not valid

    AccountMembershipAddingUserThatHasNotYetAcceptedActivationError PREVIEW

    The user cannot be added because it has not yet been activated

    AccountMembershipDuplicateMembershipError PREVIEW

    The user is already a member of the specified marketplace

    AccountMembershipEmptyTemporaryPasswordError PREVIEW

    Temporary password is not provided in request

    AccountMembershipInvalidDomainError PREVIEW

    Domain of provided email address is not verified by company

    AccountMembershipInvalidPayloadError PREVIEW

    The request payload is not valid

    AccountMembershipInvalidRecipientEmailError PREVIEW

    One/many of the provided recipient email addresses is/are invalid

    AccountMembershipInviterDifferentThanCallerError PREVIEW

    The user who is issuing the invitation to a new user to join an account is not the same user who is making the API call

    AccountMembershipInviterIsRequiredError PREVIEW

    The request must specify who is inviting the new user to join the account

    AccountMembershipLoginUserNotAllowedToManagedCompanyError PREVIEW

    The current user does not have permissions to add users to the account

    AccountMembershipRoleAssignmentFailedError PREVIEW

    Role assigner does not have the permissions needed to assign these roles to other users

    AccountMembershipRoleAssignmentNotAllowedError PREVIEW

    Assignment to given role(s) is not allowed

    AccountMembershipUserCannotBeLinkedToProvidedIDPError PREVIEW

    The user cannot be linked to the external IDP ID that was provided in the request

    AccountMembershipUserExistsWithExternalIdError PREVIEW

    A user with the same external ID is already a member of this account

    AccountMembershipUserExistsWithLoginAccessError PREVIEW

    The user is already a member of an existing company, with login access. The user must be invited to the company with login access

    AccountMembershipUserExistsWithoutLoginAccessError PREVIEW

    The user is already a member of one or more companies, without login access. To add the user to this company you must either add them without login access or invite them to one of their existing companies first

    AccountMembershipUserMissingError PREVIEW

    The request does not contain information that is required to create the membership

    AccountNameValidationError PREVIEW

    The name for the new account is not valid (may have been left blank)

    AccountNotFoundError PREVIEW
    AccountUserExistsWithSameEmailError PREVIEW

    The new account is a duplicate of an account that already exists

    AccountUserExistsWithSameExternalIdError PREVIEW

    The new account is a duplicate of an account that already exists

    AccountUserExistsWithSameUsernameError PREVIEW

    The new account is a duplicate of an account that already exists

    AccountWithExistingEntitlementsError PREVIEW

    This account cannot be deleted, because it still has an active or pending entitlement

    AccountWithExistingMembershipsError PREVIEW

    This account cannot be deleted, because it still has an associated membership

    AccountWithResellerAndReferralAccessError PREVIEW

    Represents a user input error when the value of the application status field is provided as LAUNCHED for the working version of the product.

    AssociateUsageReaderError PREVIEW

    Represents an error while associating existing reader to vendorId

    BackoffLimitValueError PREVIEW

    Represents that the bulk markup operation is not allowed for partner


    Represents an error when trying to set a custom price for contract fee which is not configured on the pricinng plan


    Represents an error if contract is provided for one time revenue type


    Represents an error when user is not allowed to set cost price

    CreateNotificationOptOutInvalidInputError PREVIEW

    Error for invalid input arguments while creating notification optouts

    CreatePaymentError PREVIEW

    No tenant was specified when trying to create a product integration.


    No vendor was specified when trying to create a product integration.

    CreatePsaAdditionError PREVIEW

    Represents an error when provided details are not valid

    CreatePsaAdditionForSubscriptionAndAgreementError PREVIEW

    Represents an error when provided details are not valid

    CreatePsaAdditionForSubscriptionError PREVIEW

    Represents an error when provided details are not valid

    CreditMemoBalanceReservedError PREVIEW

    Definition of CreditMemoBalanceReservedError

    CreditMemoBalanceVoidedError PREVIEW

    Definition of CreditMemoBalanceReservedError

    CreditMemoHasNoBalanceError PREVIEW

    Definition of CreditMemoHasNoBalanceError

    DeleteNotificationOptOutInvalidInputError PREVIEW

    Error for invalid input optout target while deleting notification optouts

    DeleteNotificationOptOutsForTargetsInvalidInputError PREVIEW

    Error for invalid input optout targets while deleting notification optouts

    DeleteNotificationOptOutsForTypesInvalidInputError PREVIEW

    Error for invalid input notification types while deleting notification optouts

    DeleteNotificationTemplateInvalidInputError PREVIEW

    Error thrown when the notification template deletion used invalid input arguments.

    DetailedUserError PREVIEW

    Represents the specific error details

    DistributorAccountError PREVIEW

    Error returned when distributor account is not found or there are multiple distributor while imports

    DuplicateAccountError PREVIEW

    Error returned when trying to create a distributor account with duplicate accountId

    DuplicateFunctionNameError PREVIEW

    Error returned if a function has the same name as an existing function.

    DuplicateFunctionVariableKeyError PREVIEW

    Error returned if a function has multiple variables with the same key.


    Represents an error when price book condition exists with the same name


    Represents an error when user tries to add a duplicate property while creating/updating price book condition


    Represents an error when price book exists with the same name


    Represents an error when user tries to add a pricing plan which is already associated to a price book


    Represents an error when duplicate units are provided in the request

    DuplicateProductVariantConfigurationError PREVIEW

    Error when there is a duplicate pair of option code and value in the input configuration

    DuplicateProductVariantIdError PREVIEW

    Error when a product variant was not deleted

    DuplicateProductVariantOptionCodeError PREVIEW

    Error occurring when trying to create a new ProductVariantOption with an already existing code (case and accent insensitive)

    DuplicateProductVariantOptionValueCodeError PREVIEW

    Error occurring when trying to create a new ProductVariantOptionValue with an already existing code

    DuplicateScheduleNameError PREVIEW

    Represents an error while updating the edition pricing with duplicate unit for included items


    Represents an error when duplicate unit tiers are provided while setting prices for unit fees


    Error returned when trying to create or update a duplicate webhook configuration

    EmailDomainNotAvailableError PREVIEW
    EmptyExternalProviderError PREVIEW

    The input external provider information is empty when pushing reviews


    Represent the metadata value is empty or null

    EmptyLocalizedFieldError PREVIEW

    Error when a localized field input is empty

    EmptyReviewsError PREVIEW

    The input product review list is empty when pushing reviews

    ExpiredDiscountCodeError PREVIEW

    Represents an error when discount is expired

    ExtendFreeTrialInvalidEndDateError PREVIEW

    Error caused by attempting to extend free trial with invalid end date

    ExtendFreeTrialInvalidStateError PREVIEW

    Error caused by attempting to extend free trial of a subscription not in active free trial state

    ExtendFreeTrialReasonRequiredError PREVIEW

    Error caused by attempting to extend free trial without specifying a reason

    ExtendFreeTrialServerError PREVIEW

    Server error that can occur when attempting to extend a free trial subscription

    ExtendFreeTrialUserNotRequiredError PREVIEW

    Error caused by attempting to extend free trial with user based authentication and specifying a user

    ExtendFreeTrialUserRequiredError PREVIEW

    Error caused by attempting to extend free trial with partner based authentication without specifying a user

    ExternalIdRequiredError PREVIEW

    Account external id required


    Represents an error when provided externalSourceInput is not valid

    FailedJobHistoryLimitError PREVIEW

    Represents an error when trying to update prices on a plan which has no fees configured


    Represent the file update is not allowed in the current file status


    Represents an error when trying to set a custom price for flat fee which is not configured on the pricinng plan


    Represents an error if prices are being configured for fees on a free edition

    IdentityProviderNotFoundError PREVIEW
    IncompleteProductVariantOptionOrder PREVIEW

    Error when reordering product variant options

    IncompleteProductVariantOptionValuesOrder PREVIEW

    Error when reordering product variant options values


    Represents an error sufficient tiers are not provided depending on pricing strategy

    InvalidAccountCredentialsError PREVIEW

    Error returned when trying to create or update a Synnex account with invalid credentials

    InvalidAccountNumberError PREVIEW

    Error returned when trying to create or update a Ingram account with invalid resellerId


    Represents an error when provided addonConfigurationInput is not valid


    Represents an error while updating the edition pricing with invalid amount for included items


    Represents a user input error when the value of the application status field is provided other than LAUNCHED for the published version of the product.

    InvalidBillingDayOfMonthError PREVIEW

    Invalid billing day of month


    Represents an error if billing frequency is not valid as per revenue model

    InvalidBoostValueError PREVIEW
    InvalidCodeError PREVIEW

    Error when the code uses an invalid combination of characters

    InvalidCodeFileNameError PREVIEW

    Error returned when a function's code file name is invalid.


    Represents an error when incorrectly configuring a price for contract fee

    InvalidCreateAdhocCreditMemoInputError PREVIEW

    Represents an error when provided input for creating or updating price book is not valid


    Represents an error when provided input for creating or updating price book version is not valid


    Represents an error when provided input for creating or updating pricing event is not valid

    InvalidCronScheduleForJobError PREVIEW
    InvalidDiscountCodeError PREVIEW

    Represents an error when discount is not valid

    InvalidDistributorProductIdsError PREVIEW

    Error returned when trying publish publish product with empty input


    Represents an error when setting certain fields for a plan associated with an edition of free revenue type


    Represents an error when setting/updating certain fields for a plan associated with an edition of one time revenue type


    Represents an error when setting/updating certain fields for a plan associated with an edition of recurring revenue type

    InvalidFieldNameError PREVIEW

    Represents a file has invalid extension.


    Represent the file name is not valid


    Represents an error when incorrectly configuring a price for flat fee

    InvalidFunctionNameError PREVIEW

    Error returned when a function's name is invalid.

    InvalidFunctionProvisioningStatusError PREVIEW

    Error returned when a function's provisioning cannot be retried because the Function is not in the expected status

    InvalidFunctionVariableKeyError PREVIEW

    Error returned when one of a function's variable's key is invalid.

    InvalidFunctionVariableValueError PREVIEW

    Error returned when one of a function's variable's value is invalid.


    Represents an error when provided unit for grace period is not valid


    Represents an error for invalid combination of amount and unlimited in included units

    InvalidInputAmountError PREVIEW
    InvalidInputFieldError PREVIEW
    InvalidJobNameError PREVIEW

    Represents an error related to keep bill date on pricing plan change configurations for contract duration

    InvalidLabelError PREVIEW
    InvalidLocalizationError PREVIEW

    The product has not enough localisation information to create all variants


    Represents an input user error when percentage fee value is invalid when setting markup prices (Deprecated - Replaced by InvalidPriceValueForFee)


    Error when the media source is invalid

    InvalidNamespaceError PREVIEW
    InvalidNumberOfSchedulesForJobError PREVIEW
    InvalidOptoutEmailError PREVIEW

    User error for invalid input email while creating an optout


    Represents an error when invalid plan id is provided for auto renewing subscription at the end of contract


    Represents an error with the priority of the price book


    Represents an error when invalid price is provided for any fee


    Represents an error if pricing plan count is not as per the revenue model


    Represents an error when provided pricingPlanId is not valid


    Represents an error when provided unit is not valid


    Represents an error if multiple plans are marked as primary price

    InvalidProductIdError PREVIEW
    InvalidProductOptionDefaultValueError PREVIEW

    Error occurring when there is an issue updating the default value

    InvalidProductVariantConfiguration PREVIEW

    Error when no product variant is found for a given configuration

    InvalidProductVariantOptionCodeError PREVIEW

    Error when a code in the input ordering is not part of the existing product variant options

    InvalidPurchaseLimitError PREVIEW
    InvalidReaderError PREVIEW

    Represents an error when usage reader configuration is invalid or incomplete

    InvalidReaderInputError PREVIEW

    Represents an error when usage reader input is incorrect


    Represents an error when trying to set markups for free edition


    Represents an error if provided scheduled date for pricing event is invalid

    InvalidScheduleForJobError PREVIEW
    InvalidScheduleIdError PREVIEW
    InvalidScheduleNameError PREVIEW
    InvalidScheduleSpecConversionError PREVIEW
    InvalidScheduleTimeError PREVIEW
    InvalidScopeError PREVIEW

    Represents an error when incorrectly configuring a price for setup fee

    InvalidSftpCredentialsError PREVIEW

    Error returned when trying to update a Synnex account with invalid SFTP credentials

    InvalidStatusError PREVIEW

    Represent the tenant name provided in the input is not valid

    InvalidUnitError PREVIEW

    When the entered unit is not accepted


    Represents an error when invalid increment is provided for any unit fee


    Represents an error while configuring unit quantity tiers on the pricing plan


    Represents an error while updating the edition pricing with invalid unit for included items


    Represents an error when configuring included units with unlimited quanity on a pricing plan


    Error for when a product has an invalid usage type

    InvalidValueRestartPolicyError PREVIEW
    InvalidVanityUrlError PREVIEW
    InvalidVariantConfigurationError PREVIEW

    The product has not enough variant option or value to create its variant(s)

    InvalidVariantProductTypeError PREVIEW

    Error occurring when doing a product variant operation with an unsupported product type


    Error returned when trying to create or update a webhook configuration with invalid authentication

    InvalidZoneIdValueError PREVIEW
    InvoiceAlreadyRefundedError PREVIEW
    InvoiceBalanceReservedError PREVIEW

    Definition of InvoiceBalanceReservedError

    InvoiceHasInvalidStatusError PREVIEW

    Definition of InvoiceHasNoBalanceError

    InvoiceHasNoBalanceError PREVIEW

    Definition of InvoiceHasNoBalanceError

    InvoiceLinkedToPaymentError PREVIEW

    Definition of InvoiceLinkedToPaymentError

    InvoiceSiblingCreditMemoAppliedError PREVIEW

    Definition of InvoiceLinkedToPaymentError


    Error when the localized field does not contain the locale


    Represents an error when trying to set markups on working version of product

    MaximumPushedReviewsExceededError PREVIEW

    The number of product review pushed exceed the maximum limit


    Error when the default language is not provided


    Represents an error when prices are not provided for all supported currencies of the MP

    MissingScheduleStartEndTimeError PREVIEW

    Represents an error if there is no user present in included units

    MixedUnitsError PREVIEW

    When the entered unit for weight, height and width are different

    NoResellerCapabilityError PREVIEW
    NotAResellerAccountError PREVIEW

    Reseller Account Id provided is not actually a Reseller Account


    Error returned when trying to retry a webhook whose configuration has been deleted


    Error when the input number is out of permitted boundaries


    Represents an error with the price configurations for a one-time edition


    Represents an error if end date is not configured correctly on the price book


    Represents an error if end date is not configured correctly on the price book


    Represents an error if end date is not configured correctly on the price book


    Represents an error if companies or segments are not assigned to price book before activating or scheduling


    Represents an error if price book conditions or entries are not created for a price book before activating or scheduling


    Represents an error if changing dates on a price book is not allowed


    Represents an error if end date is not configured correctly on the price book


    Represents an error if end date is not configured correctly on the price book


    Represents an error when creating a price book entry without custom prices for any fee of a plan


    Represents an error with the prices for different fees of price book entry not provided while creating or updating price book entry


    Represents an error if prices are not set for any fees of a pricing plan added to price book before activating or scheduling


    Represents an error while setting dates on for a price book in draft state


    Represents an error if start date on a price book is missing while activating or scheduling


    Represents an error if changing price book to inactive status is not allowed


    Represents an error when the price book version for the provided input version date already exists

    PriceChangeDisabledFeatureError PREVIEW
    PriceChangeInactiveOrderError PREVIEW
    PriceChangeInvalidPricingDurationError PREVIEW
    PriceChangeInvalidUnitError PREVIEW
    PriceChangePriceDefinitionNotFoundError PREVIEW
    PriceChangeServerError PREVIEW
    PriceChangeValidationError PREVIEW

    Represents an error while publishing prices for a plan of free edition


    Represents an error while publishing prices for a plan belonging to working version of the product


    Represents an error when creating a pricing plan without proper configurations on the edition


    Represents an error if no or empty input is provided for processing pricing events


    Represents an error if no pricing events are scheduled for today


    Represents an error when decimal value is provided while configuring quantity for an unit which does not allow decimal values


    Represents an error when prices for same currency are provided multiple times for any fee


    Represents an error when duplicate pricing units are provided in the request


    Represents an error with the price configurations on a plan


    Represents an error when fees are provided for a plan associated with an edition of free revenue type


    Represents an error whee conflicting input is provided in the request


    Represents an error when incorrect price value id provided for any fee


    Represents an error while configuring contract terms when contract duration is not provided


    Represents an error when prices are not provided for all the currencies configured for MP


    Represents an error when description is missing for the termination fee


    Represents an error if pricing plan does not exist


    Represents an error when an invalid pricing unit is provided for the plan


    Represents an error when termination fee description is provided of termiation fee type NONE


    Represents an error when invalid termination fee value is provided for a termination fee type


    Represents an error when configuring termination fee for a plan which does not have contract


    Represents an error while creating or updating the pricing plan with invalid termination fee value for type PERCENTAGE


    Represents an error when configuring a new unit which already exists on the plan


    Represents an error when updating or removing a unit which does not exist on the plan


    Represents an error while configuring purchase increment value for a unit on the plan


    Represents an error when incorrect minimum and maximum quantity of tiers is configured for a unit on the plan


    Represents an error when incorrect number of quantity tiers are configured for a unit on the plan

    ProcessAlreadyTriggeredError PREVIEW

    There is already a creation process in progress

    ProductEditionAssociationDuplicateError PREVIEW

    An error when there is a duplicate.

    ProductEditionAssociationMissingRequirementError PREVIEW

    An error when there are 0 association requirements.

    ProductEditionAssociationNotDeletedError PREVIEW

    An error when the association is found instead of deleted.

    ProductEditionAssociationNotFoundError PREVIEW

    An error when the association is not found.

    ProductEditionFileNameError PREVIEW
    ProductEditionNotFoundError PREVIEW

    An error when the product edition is not found.


    Error when contacting dependencies during publication.


    Error when the amount of times an integration can be linked is exceeded


    Product integration is not a suite.


    No product integration was found.


    Error when the the integration of type full integration is has the notification email set


    Error when the the integration of type email is missing the required notification email


    Product Integration Ping test error.


    Error when the the integration suite is not published


    Unable to convert a product integration.


    Error for when a product support information has an invalid details


    Error for when a product support information has an invalid email address

    ProductVariantCharacterLimitError PREVIEW

    Error when the limit of characters for a field are exceeded.

    ProductVariantNotFoundUserError PREVIEW

    Error when a product variant was not deleted

    ProductVariantOptionExceededError PREVIEW

    Error when the amount of variant options are exceeded.

    ProductVariantOptionValueExceededError PREVIEW

    Error when the amount of variant option values are exceeded.

    PsaCompanyInputError PREVIEW

    Represents an error when provided company input is not valid

    PsaCompanyMappingReadError PREVIEW

    Represents an error when provided company input is not valid

    PsaConnectorConfigurationError PREVIEW

    Represents an error when provided connector configuration input is not valid

    PsaConnectorInputError PREVIEW

    Represents an error when provided connector input is not valid

    PsaProductInputError PREVIEW

    Represents an error when provided product input is not valid

    PsaProductMappingReadError PREVIEW

    Represents an error when provided product input is not valid

    PublishedProductSearchError PREVIEW

    Represent a search error

    RateCardLockedError PREVIEW

    Represents an error when user tries to update or publish a rate card which is locked

    ResellerAccountNotActiveError PREVIEW

    Reseller Account is not active

    ResellerAccountSelfLinkingError PREVIEW

    Reseller Account cannot be linked to self

    ResellerOrCustomerAccountNotEnabledError PREVIEW

    Reseller Account or the Customer Account is not enabled


    Represents an error if the schedule is already present for the given pricing event


    Represents an error when trying to set a custom price for setup fee which is not configured on the pricinng plan

    ShippingConnectorNotSetupError PREVIEW
    SingleSignOnConfigurationForbiddenError PREVIEW

    The user does not have the correct permissions to mutate the SingleSignOnConfiguration

    SingleSignOnConfigurationInvalidArgumentError PREVIEW

    An invalid argument was included in the request to mutate the SingleSignOnConfiguration

    SingleSignOnConfigurationInvalidConfigurationError PREVIEW

    The configuration for this SingleSignOnConfiguration is not correct

    SingleSignOnConfigurationInvalidTypeError PREVIEW

    An invalid SingleSignOnConfiguration type was used in the request

    SingleSignOnConfigurationNotFoundError PREVIEW

    The SingleSignOnConfiguration was not found

    SingleSignOnConfigurationPublicationError PREVIEW

    An error occurred when validating the SingleSignOnConfiguration for publish

    SingleSignOnConfigurationUnknownError PREVIEW

    An unexpected error occurred when attempting to mutate a SingleSignOnConfiguration


    Error when the input string is too long

    SubscriptionAssociationIdInvalidError PREVIEW
    SubscriptionAssociationNotSameOwnerError PREVIEW
    SubscriptionAssociationServerError PREVIEW
    SubscriptionTerminationActiveAddonsError PREVIEW

    Error caused by attempting to terminate a subscription with addon(s) in an active state

    SubscriptionTerminationInvalidStateError PREVIEW

    Error caused by attempting to terminate a subscription in a state that cannot be terminated

    SubscriptionTerminationPendingEventsError PREVIEW

    Error caused by attempting to terminate a subscription that has pending events

    SubscriptionTerminationServerError PREVIEW

    Server error that can occur when attempting to terminate a subscription

    SuccessfulJobHistoryLimitError PREVIEW
    TaxCalculationError PREVIEW

    Error occurred when running ping tests.


    Represents an error when trying to set a custom price for unit fee on a range which is not configured on the pricinng plan

    UnitQuantityIncrementError PREVIEW

    Represents an error when provided unit quantity is not in the multiples of the increment value configured for the unit

    UnitQuantityMaxError PREVIEW

    Represents an error when provided unit quantity is greater than allowed maximum value for that unit

    UnitQuantityMinError PREVIEW

    Represents an error when provided unit quantity is lesser than allowed minimum value for that unit


    Represents an error when trying to set a custom price for unit setup fee which is not configured on the pricinng plan

    UnprocessableIDPError PREVIEW

    Error for when a product has unspecified vendor ID when required. It must be a valid UUID.

    UnsupportedConcurrencyPolicyError PREVIEW

    Error for when a supplier id is set for a non physical product

    UpdateNotificationTemplateInvalidInputError PREVIEW

    Error thrown when the notification template update used invalid input arguments.

    UpdateNotificationTemplateInvalidTemplateNameError PREVIEW

    Error thrown when the notification template update used an invalid template name.

    UpdateOffPlatformPaymentError PREVIEW

    Represents an error when conflicting input is provided


    Represents an error while updating plan of a free edition


    Error when the url is too long

    UsageReaderAlreadyExistsError PREVIEW

    Represents an error when usage reader is already present

    UsageReaderAlreadyExistsForVendorAndProductError PREVIEW

    Represents an error when usage reader already exists for given pair of vendor Id and product Id

    UsageReaderFileDetailsInvalidSelectedFieldError PREVIEW

    Represents an error when usage reader file details selected fields are not present in all fields

    UsageReaderNotFoundError PREVIEW

    Represents an error when usage reader does not exist for given reader Id

    UsageReaderPricingUnitOrCustomUnitNotFoundError PREVIEW

    Represents an error when pricingUnit or customUnit is not present in input

    UsageReaderUnitPriceNotFoundError PREVIEW

    Represents an error when unitPrice is not present with customUnit in input

    UserInputValidationError PREVIEW

    Error thrown by validation on user input value

    UserInvalidFieldValueError PREVIEW

    The entry for this field uses an incorrect format, or is otherwise not valid

    UsernameAlreadyExistsError PREVIEW
    UserUnsupportedLocaleError PREVIEW

    The locale provided for the user is not supported

    VanityUrlAlreadyExistsError PREVIEW
    VariantFeatureNotAllowedError PREVIEW

    Error when a product does not support variants


    Error returned when trying to retry a webhook which is not retryable