
Specifies the SAML single sign-on configuration to update within a product integration

This page contains


    integrationConfigurationId ID!

    Unique ID of the product integration configuration the SAML single sign-on configuration will be updated within.

    version String

    The version of SAML to use. The following values are supported: 2.0, 1.1, 1.0

    idpConfigurationCreationMethod ProductIntegrationSamlCertificateUsage

    Defines if an IdP configuration should be unique to each subscription or shared across subscriptions.

    serviceProviderEntityId String

    The SAML entity ID for your application.

    assertionConsumerServiceUrl String

    The assertion consumer service URL where SAML response will be sent to.

    serviceProviderInitiatedLoginUrl String

    URL a user is redirected to when they click the 'MyApps' tile. Set this value if your application only supports SP-initiated SSO.

    nameId String

    The value the marketplace will set as the user's Name ID in the SAML response.

    nameIdFormat String

    The Name ID format for the subject.

    responseSignatureMode ProductIntegrationSamlSigningSource

    Defines which part of the SAML response should be signed.

    responseSignatureAlgorithm ProductIntegrationSamlSigningAlgorithm

    Defines the signature algorithm to use when signing SAML responses.

    relayState String

    Value used for the ‘RelayState’ parameter when sending a SAML response to the assertion consumer service.

    identityProviderEntityId String

    The SAML entity ID for the IdP configuration. Leave blank to use system default.

    responseField String

    Field name the marketplace will use when sending the SAML response to an ISV's assertion consumer service.

    encodeResponse Boolean

    Define if the SAML response should be encoded. Default is enabled.

    assertionAttributes [UpdateProductIntegrationSamlAssertionAttributeInput!]

    The attributes to include in the SAML response

    notBeforeMinutes Int

    The number of minutes before the issue time that the assertion is considered valid. Default is 5 minutes.

    notAfterMinutes Int

    The number of minutes after the issue time that the assertion is considered valid. Default is 10 minutes.

    Mutations for UpdateProductIntegrationSamlConfigurationInput


    Update the SAML single sign-on configuration within an existing product integration