Mutation to transfer units between products and subscriptions. It supports a full or partial unit transfer.
This page contains
transferUnitsRequest TransferUnitsRequestInput! PREVIEW |
TransferUnitsRequestInput fields
idempotencyKey ID! | Unique key to ensure no duplicate requests are made |
subscriptionId ID! | Subscription Id of the source subscription |
transferAllUnits Boolean! | To identify if all units needs to be transferred or not. If value will be true, all units will be transferred. |
vendorCustomAttributes [SubscriptionUpdateRequestCustomAttributeInput!] PREVIEW | Vendor custom attributes on source subscription |
subscriptionCustomAttributes [SubscriptionUpdateRequestCustomAttributeInput!] PREVIEW | Subscription custom attributes on source subscription |
items [SubscriptionUpdateRequestItemInput!]! PREVIEW | Items of the source subscriptions |
targetSubscription TransferUnitsRequestTargetSubscriptionInput! PREVIEW | Target subscription/pricingPlan details |
Return Fields
purchaseId String | Purchase Id of the unit transfer |
subscriptionId String | Source subscription ID which was used |
idempotencyKey String | Idempotency key which was used |
validationErrors [SubscriptionUpdateValidationError!] PREVIEW | Detail of the errors that happened during the validation process |
Interactive example
This is an example mutation query. Use the embedded interactive tool below to edit the query.
Hint: use Ctrl + Space for autocompleting fields.