
Product is in Preview status and is subject to change without notice. For more information about Preview status, see the GraphQL API policy.


Product definition

This page contains


    id: ID!

    Product Id

    version: String!

    Product Version, either PUBLISHED or WORKING

    vendor: Account! PREVIEW

    Vendor information

    externalSource: PriceBookExternalSource PREVIEW
    type: ProductType! PREVIEW

    The type of product (ex: WEB_APP)

    name: [LocalizedString!]!

    The name of the product

    vendorId: ID! @deprecated( reason: "No longer supported" )

    Vendor identifier

    addon: Boolean!

    Whether the product is an add-on

    allowMultiplePurchases: Boolean!

    Whether the product allows multiple purchases

    usageType: UsageType!

    How many users can be assigned per purchase of the product.

    referable: Boolean!

    Whether the product is referable

    supplierId: ID

    Supplier id

    defaultVariant: ProductVariant @deprecated( reason: "Replaced by templateVariant in favour of better naming" )PREVIEW

    Default product variant

    templateVariant: ProductVariant PREVIEW

    Template product variant. This template is used to configure fields that are common to multiple variants such as the physical attributes.

    variantOptions: [ProductVariantOption!] PREVIEW

    Variant options of the product

    variants(configuration: ProductVariantConfigurationInput): [ProductVariant!]

    Variants of the product

    integration: ProductIntegration

    Integration configuration for the product

    validationErrors: [ProductValidationError!]

    Publication validation errors

    edition(id: ID!): ProductEdition!

    Edition by id

    editions: [ProductEdition!]!


    editionSharedInformation: ProductEditionSharedInformation

    Edition shared information

    shortDescription: [LocalizedString!]!

    Listing 5 words description of the product

    description: [LocalizedString!]!

    Listing description of the product

    vendorName: [LocalizedString!]!

    Displayed customizable name of the vendor

    linkToProductWebsite: [LocalizedString!]!

    Link to the product website

    support: ProductSupport!

    Support information of a Product

    overview: ProductOverview!

    Profile overview information

    media: [ProductMedia!]

    Media information

    features: [ProductFeature!]

    Features of a product

    benefits: [ProductBenefit!]!

    Profile Benefits Information

    listingLogo: ProductImage

    Logo for listing information

    profileLogo: ProductImage

    Application profile logo

    screenshots: [ProductScreenshot!] PREVIEW

    Profile screenshots

    privacyPolicyLink: [LocalizedURL!]

    URL to the application's privacy policy

    termsAndConditionsLink: [LocalizedURL!]

    URL to the application's terms and conditions

    resources: [ProductResource!]

    Application's resources

    externalResources: ProductExternalResources! PREVIEW

    Application's external resources

    Parent objects of Product


    Represents the custom prices set in price book entry


    ProductEdition definition

    ProductInfo PREVIEW

    Product for invoice. Contains a reference to current object and data recorded at invoice creation.

    ProductVariant PREVIEW

    Specific variant of a Product from a configuration of a product's variant value

    ProductVariantsCreationProcess PREVIEW

    Asynchronous ProductVariant creation process

    PsaProductMapping PREVIEW

    Definition of a product mapping

    SubscriptionDefinition PREVIEW

    Subscription definition

    SubscriptionState PREVIEW

    Subscription State

    TransferUnitEligibleEdition PREVIEW

    Response for unit transfer.

    UsageReaderConfiguration PREVIEW

    Payload for new reader

    Mutations for Product

    addProductVariantOption PREVIEW

    Add a product variant option to a product

    addProductVariantOptionValue PREVIEW

    Create variant option values for a product


    Create a product

    disableProductVariants PREVIEW

    Disable a product variant

    enableProductVariants PREVIEW

    Enable a product variant


    Link a product to a product integration

    orderProductVariantOptions PREVIEW

    Edit the order for product variant options

    orderProductVariantOptionValues PREVIEW

    Order product variant option values


    Remove a privacy policy link for a product

    removeProductVariantOption PREVIEW

    Remove a product variant option from a product

    removeProductVariantOptionValue PREVIEW

    Delete/remove a variant option's value


    Remove a terms and conditions link for a product


    Update a product

    updateProductDefaultVariant PREVIEW

    Update a product's default variant

    updateProductVariantOption PREVIEW

    Update a product's variant option

    updateProductVariantOptionValue PREVIEW

    Update a product variant option value

    updateProductVariants PREVIEW

    Update the product's variant(s)

    Queries for Product


    Returns price book entry by its id


    Query a product


    Query products by tenant


    Query products by vendor ID

    productVariantsCreationProcess PREVIEW

    Query the variants creation process

    productVariantsCreationProcessByProductRefId PREVIEW

    Query the variants creation process by product ref id

    transferUnitEligibleSubscriptions PREVIEW

    Get the list of eligible subscriptions for a unit transfer.