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Getting started

AppDirect AI marketplaces offer the ability to create a diverse catalog of AIs that can be used for various purposes, such as data analytics, legal support, or marketing content. Our intuitive platform allows you to create custom AIs with ease, regardless of your experience level. You don't need to have any coding knowledge to create AI applications as our platform and UI are designed to accommodate all levels of expertise.

AppDirect AIs are powered by the latest AI language models. They can help you summarize complex data or get granular level information on a wide range of topics. You can chat with an AI to get answers to your questions on a wide range of topics. Configure multiple data sources (docs, URLs, and so on) for the AI to build a knowledge base that is relevant to the purpose of the AI. AIs continuously learn with every interaction. Your questions and inputs help shape what AIs learn with each interaction.

You can also share your custom AIs securely with others in your team or organization. AppDirect delivers robust enterprise-grade features that enable you to specify who can interact with your bot and to what extent. They help to protect confidential information, simplify collaboration, and ensure appropriate usage.

Signing up

Signing up for an AppDIrect AI account is super easy. Go to, and then click Sign up. Enter your email address and a password to create a new account.


Once you enter these details, you will be asked to verify your email by entering an OTP that is emailed to you.

After verifying your email address, you can create an organization for your AppDirect AI account. Invite team members or colleagues to join your account. When you invite others, you can also specify whether their role should be Member or Admin.

If you are already a part of an organization, your org will be listed when you verify your email. Click on the Org name to join.


When you log in, you'll land on the Browse tab on the homepage. If you are part of an organization, you'll find all the AIs already created for the org and are accessible to you. On the navigation bar, you can filter between public, organization-specific, and private apps:

  • Public - displays all the publicly available AIs
  • Organization - displays all the AIs that have been created for your organization and are accessible
  • Private - displays only the AIs you have created and are not shared with others
  • Company Approved - displays the AIs that are company-approved. Only Admins have permission to approve AIs and add this filter


The sidebar on the left houses other options and tabs that you can use to create new AIs, manage existing ones, configure data sources, and configure additional settings related to APIs:

  • Chat - access all your chats from this tab
  • Browse - view all the AIs that are available to you. This is the default tab/page.
  • Create - create new AIs
  • Your AIs - view all the AIs that you have created
  • Shared - view any AIs that are shared with you
  • Data - view a list of all the data sources configured for various AIs
  • Settings - generate secret keys for API authentication. You can also find more information on APIs and how to use them on this tab.

Additionally, you can switch between light and dark modes, and also manage profile information/settings related to your account.Click on the AppDirect logo on the top-left corner of the page to manage organization settings, view member details, and manage invitations.

Inviting others

You can share the AIs you have access to with others easily. Click on the Invite button in the navigation bar and enter the email addresses of colleagues or team members you'd like to join.

Invite other members

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