Represent a Reseller search result
This page contains
success: Boolean | Indicate if search request is successfull or not |
esQuery: JSON | Elastic Search query that have been executed. |
errors: [PublishedProductSearchError] PREVIEW | List errors that occurred in case of not successfull search request |
hits: [PublishedProductSearchHit] PREVIEW | List search hits in case of a successfull search request |
facets: PublishedProductSearchFacetsHits PREVIEW | List search facets in case of a successfull search request |
pageInfo: PageInfo | Indicate cursor information for search hits |
totalCount: Int | Indicate total search hits |
Queries for ResellerPublishedProductSearchResultInternal
resellerPublishedProductsSearchInternal PREVIEW | Returns a paginated list of published products for a given Reseller that match the queryString, partner, locale and filters provided. |